Manchester University
Oak Leaves

About The Oak Leaves

The Oak Leaves, Manchester’s student newspaper, is published on Fridays 10 times a semester during the academic year. Established in 1913, the paper serves as a forum for community commentary and opinion, and as a vehicle for news that relates to the Manchester campus.

Unpaid staff writers are often members of journalism or editing classes, but any student is welcome to work for the paper as an extra-curricular activity. Students interested in writing, copy editing, photography, advertising, business and newspaper design are encouraged to get involved. Any full-time student may apply for an editorial or managerial position. For more information, email

Subscriptions: The general fee is paid for by full-time students includes a subscription to The Oak Leaves. Mailed subscriptions are available for $20 for one school year. Make checks payable to:

The Oak Leaves
604 E. College Ave Box 11
North Manchester, IN 46962

The views in The Oak Leaves do not necessarily represent those of Manchester University, or the majority of its students.

The Oak Leaves welcomes written opinion pieces; however, only signed letters will be published.