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TopicAccession #Description Summary
Convocation #048: Caldwell, Carl, "Faculty Series," 1978Convocation #48: Caldwell, Carl, 1978 

Dr. Carl Caldwell delivers a presentation as part of the "Faculty Series," on 3 April 1978.  He talks about witches, witchcraft and witch beliefs to see the implications of all of this for us.

Convocation #050: Helman, A. Blair, "Opening Convocation," 1978Convocation #50: Helman, A. Blair, 1978 President A. Blair Helman delivers the opening convocation speech on 7 September 1978.  This recording is of the convocation service as well, including a welcome by campus minister, Robert Knechel, singing, prayer, a presentation about being students on campus, as well as President Helman's words. 
Convocation #058: Firebaugh, Dr. Morris, "Nuclear Discussion," 1979Convocation #58: Dr. Morris Firebaugh, 1979 

Dr. Morris Firebaugh,  Manchester Graduate (1959). Raises issues behind nuclear energy, 26 March 1979.

Sister Burtell, expert on environmental health, responds to Firebaugh's presentation.

Convocation #065: Fuller, Barb, "Healing the Wounds of the Vietnam War," 1979Convocation #65: Barb Fuller, 1979 Mrs. Barbara Fuller, a theologan and peacemaker, has traveled to Vietnam to work for reconcilliation.  She is a member of many boards and organizations that work for peace and justice. 
Convocation #123: Bielesiak, "Poland in Crisis," 1982Convocation #123: Jack Bielasiak,1982 Dr. Jack Bielasiak delivers an address, "Poland in Crisis," on 29 March 1982.  At this time he was Assistant Professor of Political Science at Indiana University.  Born in Poland, he lived there through his teenage years and then came to the United States with his family. 
Convocation #143: McFadden, Dr. Wilbur, "The Last Epidemic"Convocation #143: McFadden, Wilbur The tape is labeled so that the listener expects to hear a presentation by Dr. Wilbur McFadden, 7 February 1983, "The Last Epidemic."   However, there are several presenters and Dr. McFadden is not identified (but he might be if someone listens to the entire recording).  A presenter gives a physical description of what happens during nuclear war.  He uses San Francisco as an example and projects what would happen if the city suffered a nuclear strike. 
Convocation #168: Bennett, LeroneConvocation #168: Bennett, Lerone, 1984 At the time of the address on 26 March 1984, Lerone Bennett was the Senior Editor of "Ebony" magazine.  He was here because the Eby family ordered him to come to the College that day.  This reference is in regard to Kermit Eby Senior, and Kermit Eby, Jr.  He knows of the marvelous work that the Church of the Brethren has done in the area of peace and social justice and in trying to make sure that there is a world tomorrow. He will speak on black history and the multicultural educational challenges of the 1980's.  
Convocation #187: Wu, Wenzhong, "A Perspective on Life Within New China" Convocation #187: Wu, Wenzhong, 1985 Wenzhong Wu delivers the talk, "A Perspective on Life Within New China," on 4 February 1985.  At the time of the address Wu was a citizen of the People's Repulic of China was on a two year teaching exchange program. 
Convocation #191: Deavel, Dr. Gary, "A Birthday Bouquest for Sebastian," 1985Convocation #191: Gary Deavel, 1985 A recital by Dr. Gary Deavel.  Not all pieces are by Bach, but the entire recital is in honor of Johann Sebastian Bach. 

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