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Full listing > Accession Alumni Box 187: Emrick, Mike
Accession #Alumni Box 187: Emrick, Mike
TopicEmrick, Mike,
KeywordsRadio, WBKE, Alumni, Alumnus,
TitleEmrick, Mike
SubtitleStudent, Alumni
LocationAlumni Box 187
CitationEmrick, Mike, Alumni Box 187: Emrick, Mike, Archives and Brethren Historical Collection, Funderburg Library, Manchester University, North Manchester, Indiana.
AccessResearchers are responsible for determining copyright status of archived materials where this is relevant to their intended use of the materials.
Date of AccessionUnknown
Bio History Note

"Radio" at Manchester College had its origins more than 60 years ago.  Station "WMIB" served as a science project for physics students as gave speech students a chance to receive broadcasting experience.  Only the campus community could  tune into WMIB because the station was hardwired to Manchester College buildings

In 1968, student station manager, Mike Emrick (MC Class of 1968), along with the faculty advisor, Dr. Ronald Aungst, worked to receive a Federal Communications Commission license.  The campus radio station became an FM station, and began using the new station letters: WBKE in honor of the last names of previous station managers: Brent Barkman ’66, David Kistler ’67 and Emrick. 


Information used in this note was taken from the Manchester College website and interpreted by Jeanine Win.


Manchester University • 604 E. College Ave., North Manchester, Ind. 46962 • 260-982-5000