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A student is all smiles during Black and Gold week and MU

MU Events

Mediating Interpersonal Conflict Training

  • Dates: 02 – 10 Feb, 2019
Saturday, Feb. 2, Sunday, Feb. 3, Saturday, Feb. 9 and Sunday, Feb. 10
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
ACEN 133

This four day course is ideal for students, staff and faculty who want to learn how to handle difficult situations, including conflict. Those who register and pay in full by Jan. 25 receive a 10 percent discount. Cost is $375 for individuals, $250 for MU faculty/staff, and $40 for students; 10% discount if paid in full by January 18, 2019. Register at http://link.manchester.edu/MediationTraining2019/ no later than Jan. 31. Contact Zander Willoughby at zewilloughby@manchester.edu  for more information about student scholarships.

Submit a new event request

If you have an event coming up at Manchester, submit a new event using the button below. You'll be asked to fill out a brief form explaining your event and the details surrounding it.