This past year of coping with the COVID-19 pandemic has been a trying one for Manchester students, Trevor Johnson told donors gathered virtually on April 29 for the University’s Evening of Gratitude. Despite the challenges, “our success is due to all of you and your philanthropy,” said the junior sport management and digital media major from Austin, Ind.
Johnson told the donors that he felt lucky to be at Manchester during the pandemic because people in the community care about each other. “It feels like family,” he said. “That’s what brought me to Manchester in the first place.”
The Evening of Gratitude is an annual event that recognizes loyal benefactors and members of the President’s Society, Tower Society and Otho Winger Society as well as consecutive givers: Decade of Giving (10 years) and Spirit of Giving (25 years).
John Gilmore ’74, Board of Trustees chair, thanked the donors for their inspirational support. “I can’t imagine a more worthy investment than one that enables the shaping of our students into graduates who will lead principled, productive and compassionate lives to improve the human condition,” he said. “The world without a doubt is sorely in need of such people.”
Gilmore told the donors that they have chosen to share their resources “despite all of the reasons you could use for not doing so. You have made giving of your financial resources, your time and talents, a priority. And for that I want to offer a huge word of thanks.”
Manchester, Gilmore said, “played a huge role in helping to shape the person I would become. It not only prepared me for a career, it sharpened my understanding of the importance of service to others, for respecting people who don’t look or think like me, and for doing what I can to bring peace in the world. And during my days on campus, I formed lifetime friendships with wonderful people.”
The Evening of Gratitude recognized people in the following groups:
President’s Society – Donors who have contributed at least $1,500 to Manchester during the given calendar year
Otho Winger Society – Donors who have included Manchester in their estate plan or have established a deferred gift with MU
Tower Society – Donors who have given $50,000 or more during their lifetime
Decade of Giving – Donors who have given gifts for 10 consecutive year
Spirit of Giving – Donors who have given gifts for 25 or more consecutive years
Donors listed for Tower Society and Otho Winger Society include all new members for 2019 and 2020. Those listed for President’s Society, Decade of Giving and Spirit of Giving include only those who registered for the event.
Marty ’55 and Connie ’56 Brumbaugh – Tower Society, Otho Winger Society and President’s Society
John Gilmore ’74 and Linda Gilmore, Tower Society, President’s Society, Spirit of Giving
Kay Hervey – Tower Society, President’s Society
John Hollinger ’62 and Carol Engle ’62 Hollinger – Tower Society, President’s Society, Spirit of Giving
Richard Kuns ’66 – Tower Society, President’s Society
Dr. Elizabeth Kintner ‘76 Schmidt and Rodney Schmidt – Tower Society, Spirit of Giving
Robert Troyer and Mary Lou Stuckman ’53 Troyer – Tower Society, President’s Society, Spirit of Giving
Julie Bowman – Otho Winger Society, President’s Society, Spirit of Giving
Carol Shank ’69c Colclasure – Tower Society, Otho Winger Society, President’s Society, Decade of Giving
Dr. Jeffrey Easley ’83 – Otho Winger Society
Gary Heisler ’72 and Coreen Spencer – Otho Winger Society, President’s Society, Spirit of Giving
Grady Mendenhall ’86 and Paula Eikenberry ’86 Mendenhall – Tower Society, Otho Winger Society, President’s Society, Spirit of Giving
Mike Robertson ’85 and Jill Sherbahn ’85 Robertson – Tower Society, President’s Society, Spirit of Giving
Elaine Snyder ’73, Otho Winger Society
Rudy Sprinkle ’68 and Andrea Barsevick – Otho Winger Society
Morris and Pam Petry ’70c Tubesing – Otho Winger Society, Spirit of Giving
President’s Society 2020 Members
- Marvin Bittinger ’63 and Elaine Sailors ’64 Bittinger
- Lynn Blocher ’55
- Julie Bowman
- Daniel Cook-Huffman ’86 and Celia Cook-Huffman ’86
- Kurt Denlinger ’80 and Jennifer Durnbaugh ’81 Denlinger
- Wendell Dilling ’58 and Marcia Taylor Dilling ’59c
- David Doudt ’64 and Kim Ebersole ’89
- Max Douglas ’55 and Joyce Wheeler ’56 Douglas
- Sara Edgerton ’70
- John Gilmore ’74 and Linda Gilmore
- Cheryl Green ’82
- Lois Gump ’65 Guess
- Dave Haist ’73 and Sandy Cleveland ’74 Haist
- Dr. Harriet Hamer ’80 and Dr. Abram Bergen
- Dr. Don Hardman ’59 and Carolyn Moldenhauer Hardman ’61
- Rob and Melanie Harmon
- Kevin Hochstedler ’83 and Rita Hochstedler
- Dr. Carl Holl Jr. ’54 and Donna Holl
- Dennis Horn ’63 and Carol Garver ’64 Horn
- Lea A. Johnson
- Janis Clark ’69 Johnston
- Laura Young ’88 Kenealy
- Mavern King ’72
- Gene Likens ’57
- David Mann ’70 and R. Jane McKinley ’69 Mann
- Timothy McElwee ’78 and Linda Hansen ’81
- David McFadden ’82 and Renée Fancher McFadden ’82
- Grady Mendenhall ’86 and Paula Eikenberry ’86 Mendenhall
- Edward Miller ’56 and Martha Showalter ’56 Miller
- Joyce Wort ’61 Nolen and Rev. Wilfred Nolen
- J. Bentley Peters ’62 and Helen Gudeman
- Mike Robertson ’85 and Jill Sherbahn ’85 Robertson
- Thelma Rohrer ’84
- Mark Rosenbury ’69 and Janet Snider Rosenbury ’69c
- Marcia K. Sowles ’72
- Dr. Matthew Sprunger ’78 and Janel Sprunger
- Helen Taylor ’73
- Robert Troyer and Mary Lou Stuckman ’53 Troyer
- Abagail L. Van Vlerah
- David Waas ’47
- Robert Weimer ’52
Decade of Giving
- Elizabeth Allen ’03 DuBois
- Jeffrey Baumann ’91 and Amy Eberly ’92 Baumann
- Sara Edgerton ’70
- Rob and Melanie Harmon
- Pegg Hudson ’71 Kennedy
- Jeanette Miller ’50 Lahman
- Joyce Wort ’61 Nolen and Rev. Wilfred Nolen
- Norma Vought Shively ’59
- Robert Weimer ’52
Spirit of Giving
- David Baker ’71 and Susan Baker
- Lynn Blocher ’55
- Julie Bowman
- Kurt Denlinger ’80 and Jennifer Durnbaugh ’81 Denlinger
- Wendell Dilling ’58 and Marcia Taylor Dilling ’59c
- David Doudt ’64 and Kim Ebersole ’89
- Max Douglas ’55 and Joyce Wheeler ’56 Douglas
- John Gilmore ’74 and Linda Gilmore
- Lois Gump ’65 Guess
- Dave Haist ’73 and Sandy Cleveland ’74 Haist
- Dr. Harriet Hamer ’80 and Dr. Abram Bergen
- Dr. Don Hardman ’59 and Carolyn Moldenhauer Hardman ’61
- Anne Heighway ’81
- Kevin Hochstedler ’83 and Rita Hochstedler
- Dennis Horn ’63 and Carol Garver ’64 Horn
- Gene Likens ’57
- Timothy McElwee ’78 and Linda Hansen ’81
- David McFadden ’82 and Renée Fancher McFadden ’82
- Grady Mendenhall ’86 and Paula Eikenberry ’86 Mendenhall
- Edward Miller ’56 and Martha Showalter ’56 Miller
- J. Bentley Peters ’62 and Helen Gudeman
- Ronald Petry ’56 and Beverly Petry
- Mike Robertson ’85 and Jill Sherbahn ’85 Robertson
- Thelma Rohrer ’84
- Rita Schroll
- Mark Sherman ’79
- Marcia K. Sowles ’72
- Dr. Matthew Sprunger ’78 and Janel Sprunger
- Helen J. Taylor ’73
- Robert Troyer and Mary Lou Stuckman ’53 Troyer
- David Waas ’47
- Ray Winey ’73
Click here to learn more about Manchester’s giving societies or to make a gift.