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| Aug 03, 2018
Posted Aug. 3 - Succeeding in higher education today is a challenge. Many institutions face daunting financial challenges and a growing number close every year. It’s not uncommon for an institution to face the need to make significant changes in the midst of crisis.
We are anticipating changes, perhaps significant changes, at Manchester as well. The difference is that we have the opportunity to weigh those changes strategically and pursue them intentionally. We are using a process we call the Institutional Vitality and Sustainability Initiative (IVSI). Two task forces and a steering committee made up of faculty and staff are reviewing all of our undergraduate programs – academic and co-curricular – and all of our administrative practices.
Our goal is to align what we do with the needs and interests of our prospective and current students and to meet the expectations of a rapidly changing marketplace of employers and graduate and professional schools. As the Wise Stewards Guide puts it, we are aiming for “mission fulfillment with economic vitality.”
We owe it to our students, supporters and future generations to get it right.