Manchester University
Oak Leaves

October 7, 2016

Driscoll, Beth
Beth Driscoll


Prof. Driscoll Takes Care of Business as New Hire

Tanner Edge

As assistant professor of marketing and management, Beth Driscoll is the newest edition to the College of Business department.
Driscoll is an alumna from Northfield High School, just down the road on Highway 13. She attended Ball State University where she earned her undergraduate degree in marketing and  public relations.
After graduation, she went on to Indiana University Kokomo to attend graduate school. There, she received her MBA and went on to work in the marketing field, where she engaged with a number of different industries, including healthcare and long-term care marketing; event organization; hospitality marketing; fundraising; and in the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors.

“Manchester University has always been on my radar as a possible career option, Driscoll said. “I happened to see the opening requiring an MBA, consulted with my husband, and then applied. It was an honor to be invited to join the College of Business at Manchester University.”
Beth is married to Frank Driscoll, a fifth generation farmer in Wabash County. They have three children: Sarah, Anna and Daniel. Driscoll likes to spend most of her free time attending their activities. Sarah is a freshman in college, Anna is a junior in high school and Daniel is a sophomore in high school.
Driscoll also enjoys spending time with her husband and helping him around on the farm. She is a big supporter of St. Robert Bellarmine Church and supports a lot of the church activities.