Student Director at the Office of Volunteer Services, Psych Department Student Assistant, Students Today Alumni Tomorrow (STAT), Psych Society, Psi Chi, MU Knitting and Crochet, A Capella Choir, Student Senate, Peace Studies Institute Board Member
Favorite Hangout
Office of Volunteer Services in Calvin Ulrey Hall
Recommended Faculty
Professors Katy Gray Brown, Marcie and Rusty Coulter-Kern, and Tim Reed
Recommended Class
Philosophy of Civilization. Everyone should take that class with Katy Gray Brown!
What People May Not Know About MU
The best thing about Manchester is that it provides the support for each student to grow in any way they want. You can follow your passion and be a successful student.
Advice for Students Looking at MU
You get what you give. You can come and find nothing to do or you can come and be overwhelmed by all that there is to do. You decide what type of student you want to be, make the most out of this amazing opportunity or just going through the motions.