Cheerleading and a foster for a service-dog-in-training from 4 Paws for Ability
Favorite Hangout
Science Center. It’s very quiet and gives me quick access to my professors if I need to ask a quick question.
Recommended Faculty
Professor Aron Costello-Harris
Recommended Classes
My favorite class that I have taken so far was Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy, but I recommend that every student take a class with Professor Costello-Harris.
What People May Not Know About MU
How much everyone on campus cares for one another. The students, staff and faculty all care about each individual that steps onto campus and will go out of their way to make someone feel comfortable, welcomed and have a smile on their face.
Advice for Students Looking at MU
Embrace the small school atmosphere. If you are looking for a university that welcomes you with open arms, cares about you on a personal level and feels like a second home, then Manchester University is the school for you.