Educating tomorrow's health care leaders

Why we're here
Pharmacogenomics(PGx), as a component of precision medicine, is a revolutionary application of science. The study of the relationship between an individual’s genes and his or her response to a medication allows physicians and other clinicians to prescribe drugs to maximize therapy early on and avoid or decrease the risk of adverse events.

Consider this site a resource to further your knowledge about pharmacogenomics. Here, you’ll find shared knowledge from faculty experts at Manchester University who are passionate about the innovative field of precision medicine and are at the forefront of PGx education.

As PGx shapes the future of medicine, Manchester University and the Pharmacogenes team makes it our mission to lead the way in educating today's and tomorrow’s health care professionals.


The Master of Science in Pharmacogenomics was launched at Manchester University in 2015, and an online delivery option started in January 2018, making it possible for students to earn the degree from where they live and work, at their own pace. In summer of 2018 the PharmD/MS in PGx dual degree was launched, allowing students to combine their pharmacy education with in-depth pharmacogenomics education. The students complete both degree requirements and graduate at the same time as their PharmD program colleagues.

Our vision is precision.

Who we are
We’re educators and experts in the fields of pharmacogenomics, pharmacology, and pharmacokinetics. From a variety of backgrounds, we were brought together to work as a team on the faculty at Manchester University. The ability to be able to work side by side on a daily basis in this relatively new, cutting-edge field creates an exciting, collaborative environment. As teachers, we share this synergy with our students in the Master of Science in Pharmacogenomics Program at Manchester. As researchers and scientists, however, our instinct is to share it with the world.

After all, isn’t that what innovation is all about?

Read more about us by clicking the photos below.

  • Terri Beam
  • Diane Calinski 
  • Sandra Hrometz
  • Dave Kisor
  • Mourad-Noha
  • Tom Smith
  • savariar-ann
Sharing knowledge, furthering science

What we know
Short of earning a master’s degree in pharmacogenomics (Did we mention we do that too?), you’ll find a variety of academic resources available on this site, written and provided by our faculty experts. If you’re a pharmacy student, pharmacist or other health care professional who’s looking for concise resources, you’ve come to the right place!

  • PGx-Cases-graphic
  • Faculty-Publications
  • Other-Resources