Manchester University nursing program earns full accreditation

Jun 22, 2023, 09:00 AM by Anne Gregory
The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education board voted to award full, five-year accreditation – the longest possible term given to new programs – to Manchester University after a thorough on-site visit and review of the program this past fall.
June 8, 2023, Fort Wayne, Ind.— Manchester University’s nursing program has earned full accreditation through the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). 

The CCNE board voted to award full, five-year accreditation – the longest possible term given to new programs – to Manchester after a thorough on-site visit and review of the program this past fall. In its letter announcing accreditation, CCNE noted that Manchester met all four program standards the commission uses to determine accreditation: mission and governance; institutional commitment and resources; curriculum and teaching-learning practices; and assessment and achievement of program outcomes. 

“This is an exciting, important and well-deserved milestone for our nursing program,” said W. Thomas Smith, dean of health sciences and pharmacy at Manchester. “Full accreditation acknowledges the excellence of our program while strengthening our student-recruitment efforts and our ability to continue meeting the growing need for high-quality nurses around the country.”

Full nursing accreditation also comes as Manchester begins a $20 million investment in its health science hub in Fort Wayne. The investment will add 32,000 square feet of space and feature nursing simulation capabilities and a skills laboratory, a pro bono physical therapy clinic focusing on amputees, a state-of-the-art lab, and research and classroom spaces. The expansion is expected to be completed in fall 2024.

Manchester graduated its first class in December through its Accelerated BSN Second Degree program for those who already hold a bachelor’s degree in another field and want a nursing degree and to become a registered nurse. The 16-month program puts them on a fast track to a rewarding career that is in high demand.

In addition, Manchester is providing $14,000 to in-state and $5,000 to out-of-state ABSN Second Degree students starting at Manchester University Fort Wayne in the fall 2023 semester through its Nursing Success Scholarship program, which it announced in March. 

Manchester also offers a traditional, four-year track for a bachelor’s degree, with two years in North Manchester and two in Fort Wayne.

“Manchester nursing is built on a strong set of values that include a deep commitment to integrity, a respect for the infinite worth of every individual and a goal to serve for the betterment of others,” Smith said. “Earning full accreditation from the CCNE allows us to move forward and significantly grow the number of highly skilled and qualified nurses who embody those values.”

Officially recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education as a national accreditation agency, the CCNE is an autonomous accrediting agency working to ensure the quality and integrity of baccalaureate, graduate, and residency/fellowship programs in nursing. 

For more information, visit the CCNE website. 

For the media
For comments or more information, W. Thomas Smith, can be reached at

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Manchester University respects the infinite worth of every individual and graduates persons of ability and conviction who draw upon their education and faith to lead principled, productive, and compassionate lives that improve the human condition.