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Halloween Tall Oaks

MU Monster Mash, Haunted Forest are Oct. 24

Manchester University Monster Mash trick or treat and Haunted Forest return this year for local families.

They are 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 24 at the North Manchester campus.

The Monster Mash is at the Lockie and Augustus Chinworth Center on East Street, with trick-or-treating.

The Haunted Forest is in the woods near Schwalm Hall. Those taking part should meet behind Cordier Auditorium, across the street from the Chinworth Center.

Both are free and open to the public. Young children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. The spooky Haunted Forest might be too scary for some children.

Families are encouraged to bring nonperishable items to donate to U Can Crush Hunger. 

The campaign by area Indiana colleges and universities helps Community Harvest Food Bank provide meals to thousands of northeast Indiana families, seniors and veterans during the holidays, and it supports food pantries on college campuses for students struggling with food insecurity.

A donation is not required to take part.

Manchester University, in North Manchester and Fort Wayne, Ind., provides vibrant and transformative student experiences. Learn more at

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Manchester University respects the infinite worth of every individual and graduates persons of ability and conviction who draw upon their education and faith to lead principled, productive, and compassionate lives that improve the human condition.

October 2022