To graduate with distinction, a candidate for the bachelor's degree must have completed a minimum of 96 semester hours in residence at Manchester University and accumulated a grade point average that falls in the ranges outlined below. Graduation with honors is determined using the cumulative grade point average when all graduation requirements are complete. At the commencement ceremony, the University recognizes students who met the requirement for graduation with honors at the end of the 2019 January session. Final determination for graduation with honors will be made when all work is completed.
summa cum laude 3.950-4.000
magna cum laude 3.850-3.949
cum laude 3.650-3.849
The Honors Diploma
The Honors Diploma is awarded to seniors who have maintained a grade point average of at least 3.5, completed fifteen semester hours of Honors coursework, and successfully completed an individualized Honors Thesis of no less than three additional semester hours.
Pharmacy Graduation with Distinction
To graduate with distinction, a candidate for the Doctor of Pharmacy degree must have completed a
minimum of 149* semester hours and accumulated a GPA at or above 3.5. There are three levels of
graduation with honors:
summa cum laude (with highest honors) requiring a GPA of 3.9 to 4.0;
magna cum laude (with high honors) requiring a GPA of 3.7 to 3.89; and
cum laude (with honors) requiring a GPA of 3.5 to 3.69.
*The Personal and Professional Development course series was added to the doctor of pharmacy curriculum in the fall of 2016; as a result the total number of credits increased from 147 to 149. The total number of credits students in the Class of 2018 are required to complete is 148. Students in the Class of 2019 will complete a total of 148.5 credit hours. The Class of 2020 and all classes thereafter will complete 149 credit hours.