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Oaks Line for Dummies

by Bolanle Oladokun | Feb 24, 2017
  1. The Hunger Games-Never go at any 50! This means 8:50, 9:50, 10:50, and so on. People are getting out of classes at these times and are rushing to get to the Oaks just like you. If you plan on going to the Oaks before a meal ends, be prepared to hand your card to an employee so you can get swiped in before a meal ends.
  2. Don’t Ask for a Bronx Basket-This is the best way to spot a first-year on campus before lanyards were invented. Just don’t do it. The workers at the Oaks know you want a sandwich, sides, and a drink. (There’s more than that there, but you get the idea).
  3. Be Prepared for Awkwardness- You will see anyone from professors, exes, and frenemies at the Oaks’ Line. The best part is you get to make awkward jokes with each other and then look away or look down when you’re finished.
  4. Bring a Cellphone-The cellphone is the best cure for an awkward situation. When I’m finished making conversation with some lovely acquaintances, I catch up on Facebook, SnapChat, or my mom’s many text messages.
  5. If You’re Going to Wear Headphones Always Keep One Out- It’s really hard to get people’s attention when they cannot hear you. People around you will get angry especially if it’s at a rush time if they cannot get a hold of you to get your food. Plus, it’s just a good idea, if there were ever to be an emergency on campus to be aware of your surroundings.
  6. Maybe Know Your Order- When I was a first-year, I remember saying my order at least ten times myself and then blanking when I saw Michelle’s smiling face. It’s very okay to do this, at least in my opinion, but that’s just because her laugh is hilarious and infectious.
  7. Have Fun and Enjoy Your Meal- Self-explanatory! Now, get out there and go eat little, solider!

Bolanle Oladokun ’17 is a Communication Studies Major. Since she was a kid, she’s always loved to talk and frequently got into trouble at school for talking so much. She loves making people laugh, recording videos, and hanging out with friends. She’s happy to be able to use her gift to put a smile on people’s faces.

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