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My Manchester Story

  • Joshua Adler
    by Kaitlyn Estep | Jan 23, 2024

    Tell us your name, pronouns, major, year and hometown.

    Hi, my name is Joshua Adler (he/him) and I’m from Dayton, Ohio. I’m a peace studies and music performance major. On top of that I’m working towards minors in communications and religion!


    What are you involved in at Manchester? (campus jobs, internships, sports, clubs, etc.)

    I do a lot around campus! I’m a member of the Spartan Pride Marching Band, Jazz Band, A Cappella Choir, Handbells Choir and Chamber Singers Choir. I’m also apart of Kenepocomoco Peace Coalition, Simple Brethren, Chapel Check-In and intramural volleyball!


    Why did you choose Manchester University?

    I chose Manchester University because of the opportunities. Beyond earning a degree, Manchester offers unique experiences such as global travel, exclusive clubs unique to MU, personal connections with staff and faculty and the chance to form incredible friendships.


    What is your favorite thing about Manchester University?

    My favorite aspect of Manchester University is undoubtedly the people. I cherish the connections I've built, appreciate how all my professors not only know my name but also greet me around campus. I will never take for granted the welcoming nature of the Manchester community. I haven’t once felt homesick because Manchester University is my home away from home!


    What do you see yourself doing after Manchester?

    My current plan after MU is to directly pursue my master's at Bethany Seminary, although the specific field is still uncertain. I hope that my future career will incorporate music and service work in some capacity. I am confident that the skills and experience I am gaining here at Manchester are already preparing me for whatever lies ahead!


    What is your favorite class you have taken at Manchester?

    I have thoroughly enjoyed my Introduction to Communication class with Professor Mertons. This class is actively equipping me with skills that I know will benefit me in every other class I take and in life in general. I appreciate the well-structured nature of the class, and the discussions I've had with my peers have been amazing.


    What is your biggest accomplishment?

    My biggest accomplishment so far has probably been playing with Professor Tim Reed at an alumni event. I had the opportunity to play bass while Professor Reed played the piano, performing jazz standards like 'Autumn Leaves' and 'Take the a Train.’


    Who is someone you’ve never met but has been influential in your life and why?

    An individual I have never met but who has been influential in my life is Ted Studebaker. Mr. Studebaker was a Manchester graduate who served as a conscientious objector in the Vietnam War, was influential in the Church of the Brethren, and whose story has inspired me in many ways. I am proud to follow in Mr. Studebaker’s footsteps here at Manchester.


    What is your favorite Manchester memory?

    Although it is hard to pick just one, I believe that, so far, my favorite memory has been getting to travel to the Colts game with the school—completely free of charge—and spending time with new friends while watching a sport I know nothing about. Manchester, to me, is all about taking advantage of opportunities, and that experience is one I will never forget!

  • Braden Unruh
    by Kaitlyn Estep | Jan 10, 2024

    Tell us your name, pronouns, major, year and hometown.

    My name is Braden Unruh (he/him) and I’m from Bremen, Ind. This is my first year at MU and I’m working toward a major in software engineering and instrumental performance!


    What are you involved in at Manchester? (campus jobs, internships, sports, clubs, etc.)

    I’m involved in quite a lot around campus. I’m a member of the Spartan Pride Marching Band, Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Combo, Black and Gold Attack, MU Symphonic Band, Kenapocomoco Peace Coalition, Simply Brethren, Theatre Society and the Honors Program. On top of that, I work as a Cordier crew member, a chime ringer and a web assistant through Manchester’s marketing department.


    What do you see yourself doing after Manchester?

    I’m thinking about attending grad school to study instrumental performance at a higher level. If not, I’ll enter the workforce with my software engineering degree and still try to perform in my free time.


    Who is your favorite professor and why?

    Justin Lasser is high on my list of favorite professors. Although this is the first class I've ever taken with him, his approach to theology is fascinating, and his dog, Ben, always makes his classes a little brighter.


    What is your happy place and why? 

    My happy place on campus is Petersime Chapel. Usually there aren’t many people in the chapel at one time, so if I ever need to be alone, I can always trust the chapel to be empty and have a big space that allows me to think.


    What's an item on your "bucket list" and why?

    I want to visit Alaska! I think Alaska is the closest place in the United States where I can connect with nature the most. 

  • Riley Cass
    by Kaitlyn Estep | Dec 12, 2023

    Tell us your name, pronouns, major, year and hometown.

    Hi everyone! My name is Riley Cass (she/her). I’m from Alexandria, Ind., and this is my second year at MU! I’m working toward a major in social work with a minor in peace studies.


    What are you involved in at Manchester? (campus jobs, internships, sports, clubs, etc.)

    I participate in a lot of clubs and organizations around campus! I’m a member of the Spartan Pride Marching Band, A Cappella Choir, Social Services Club, Theater Society, Kenapocomoco Coalition and USG. I also work as a Spartan ambassador for the Office of Admissions.


    Why did you choose Manchester University?

    Initially, I chose Manchester for its Nursing Program, but once I switched gears and dove into college life, it transformed into something beyond academics—a true sense of community, belonging and family.


    What is your favorite thing about Manchester University?

    What I cherish most about Manchester is the lifelong bonds I've made. Living life alongside these incredible folks has made my time here truly special!


    What do you see yourself doing after Manchester?

    I plan to go into correctional or probational social work and work somewhere in the law enforcement field.


    Who is your favorite professor and why?

    My favorite professor is Dr. Scott Humphries. He is such a joy to have as a professor, and he never fails to make us smile with a dad joke! Dr. Humphries brings a light to campus that you can't find anywhere else!


    What is your biggest accomplishment?

    My biggest accomplishment is becoming the person who I am today and learning to be myself!


    Give us a fun fact about yourself!

    I love, love, love to cook! While I wouldn't turn it into a career, it's hands down my favorite hobby. I love creating new meals and experimenting with food.


    What is your favorite Manchester memory?

    My favorite Manchester memory so far has to be when the band visited Rochester High School. We performed for the students and inspired some young minds through our music! 

  • Hannah Davis
    by Kaitlyn Estep | Nov 27, 2023

    How did you become interested in pharmacy and, specifically, Manchester’s program?

    I grew up in a family of health care providers so, it felt natural to follow that career path. I landed on pharmacy after shadowing inpatient pharmacists in high school and learning about their role on the healthcare team. I was most interested by the evolution of pharmacy and how it continues to grow. I started at Manchester as an undergraduate student and was drawn in by the community and small school atmosphere. I stayed for the people, the opportunity to grow and be my best self, and the support Manchester has provided and continues to provide me! 

    Do you know what area of pharmacy you would like to work in?

    My long-term career goal is to become an acute care pharmacy specialist. I plan to pursue residency post grad and hopefully specialize in either critical care or internal medicine.

    What advice do you have for incoming pharmacy students?

    Building a community of classmates and mentors can make a huge difference. Pharmacy school can be tough so having friends to lean on and mentors to guide you can help in stressful times. Getting involved in student organizations is one of the easiest ways to build community as well as help you grow as a professional.

    What do you do in your spare time? 

    I like to spend time outside when I can, I’m from Northwest Indiana so I enjoy visits back home to hike in the dunes and visit Lake Michigan. I also enjoy exploring Fort Wayne. I love trying new places downtown, going to farmer’s markets, and exploring the trails and parks. I also love collecting hobbies including reading, baking, and collecting vinyl. 

  • Evangelina Vega
    by Kaitlyn Estep | Nov 14, 2023

    Tell us your name, pronouns, major, year and hometown.

    My name is Evangelina Vega (she/her), and I’m from Winona Lake, Ind. I’m currently a senior and working toward a degree in social work!


    What are you involved in at Manchester? (campus jobs, internships, sports, clubs, etc.)

    In January 2024, I will start my internship at Cancer Services of Northeast Indiana.


    Why did you choose Manchester University?

    Just before receiving my associate degree in human services at Ivy Tech, I knew I wanted to continue my academic journey and work toward obtaining my bachelor's degree in social work. While exploring the Manchester University website, I was drawn to the mission statement and all that the Social Work Program had to offer. I started my admissions application immediately! After my campus tour, I was positive that Manchester was the right place for me. The campus felt like home.


    What is your favorite thing about Manchester University?

    I love that I’m able to take classes that are outside of my major. It was amazing having the opportunity to take a piano class with Professor Pamela Haynes!


    What do you see yourself doing after Manchester?

    Following graduation, I hope to get accepted into graduate school and obtain my master's degree.


    Who is your favorite professor and why?

    Such a tricky question to answer! I have had incredible experiences and grown with the help of multiple professors.


    What is your favorite class you have taken at Manchester?

    Art and Life with Professor Diesburg!


    What is your biggest accomplishment?

    Returning to school 13 years after my high school graduation! It is never too late.


    Who is someone you’ve never met but has been influential in your life and why?

    Poet and author Rupi Kaur. Her work touches on various topics such as love, loss, trauma, healing and everything else that comes in between. Reading her poems always provides me with comfort, especially on stressful days.


    Give us a fun fact about yourself!

    I have an identical twin sister.


    What is your favorite Manchester memory?

    The junior social work Chicago trip with Barb Burdge and Dr. Dailey! I got the chance to get to know my classmates off campus. We also had the opportunity to visit various impactful social service agencies in Chicago. It was a great mix of food, laughter, exploring and learning. This trip is one I'll never forget!

  • Megan Sarber
    by Kaitlyn Estep | Nov 01, 2023

    Tell us about yourself.

    I’m a 2007 graduate with a degree in communication studies. I grew up in the Church of the Brethren and my mother is an alum of MU, but I wasn’t convinced at first to attend MU. I transferred to Manchester my sophomore year when I decided to run cross county for the Spartans. I met my future husband, Jody, on the team and we’ve been married 15 years this fall. We have two daughters, Emersyn (12) and Ainsley (10). I enjoy attending my children’s activities and rehabbing our 1880’s home. We love living in North Manchester and raising our family in this community.


    Tell us about your time at Manchester.

    I’ve worked at Manchester for a total of 10 years. I’ve been a development officer (1 year) manager of donor relations (7.5 years) and am currently the Director of Alumni Relations (1.5 years). A typical day for me includes collaborating with other departments across campus and planning events to engage with our alumni and keep them connected to us and with each other.


    What is your favorite alumni event?

    Homecoming is probably my favorite event. It is such a fun filled day. Everyone is smiling and reminiscing about their time at Manchester. I love seeing alumni bring their kids and families to show off campus. They’re so proud—as they should be!


    What is your favorite Manchester tradition?

    The ringing of the Chime. To hear it in the mornings, walking into work, reminds me of the new day I’m about to face. And when I hear it in the evenings, a vivid memory of my friends and I walking across the mall every day after dinner back to Helman Hall just laughing, brings a smile to my face.

  • Cheyenne Collier
    by Kaitlyn Estep | Oct 24, 2023

    Tell us your name, pronouns, major, year, and hometown.

    Hi, my name is Cheyeene Collier! My pronouns are she/they and I’m from Cutler, Indiana. I’m a first year at MU and working towards a degree in choral music education!


    What are you involved in at Manchester? (campus jobs, internships, sports, clubs, etc.)

    I’m a part of a couple of clubs here on campus. I’m a member of the United Sexuality and Genders club, the Theatre Society, Pagans of Manchester and Aspiring Educators of Manchester. I also work as a Spartan Ambassador for the Office of Admissions.


    Why did you choose Manchester University?
    I chose Manchester because from the moment I set foot on campus, it felt like home. The welcoming atmosphere made me feel secure, and the genuine kindness and friendliness of everyone I met was truly remarkable.


    What is your favorite thing about Manchester University?
    My favorite thing about Manchester is the people. Everyone here goes out of their way to be kind to one another, whether it's holding the door for others or simply exchanging smiles as they pass.


    What do you see yourself doing after Manchester?
    I see myself becoming a choir director after I graduate from Manchester. I can envision myself in a classroom setting, teaching middle and high school students how to sing.


    Who is your favorite professor and why?
    My favorite professor is Scott Humphries because he's highly personable and willing to listen and engage with his students. He genuinely cares for his students and is dedicated to our success. Most importantly, he’s not afraid to be himself!


    What is your favorite class you have taken at Manchester?
    My favorite classes so far have been IPA and English Dictation.


    What advice would you give to an incoming Manchester student?
    Don't be afraid to stand out! Be your true, authentic self. Make the most of these years and please, make friends. They can help you along the way, and you never know who's going to be your long-term, forever people.


    What is something someone wouldn't know just by looking at you?
    That I know how to somewhat speak three different languages other than English. I also know how to sing a song just by hearing it once.


    What is your favorite Manchester memory?

    One of my favorite Manchester memories is when I went to see the Manchester Symphony Orchestra. The music they played was just so beautiful and watching them was a real treat. It took my breath away!

  • Elizabeth Moss
    by Kaitlyn Estep | Oct 02, 2023

    Tell us your name, pronouns, major, year, and hometown.

    My name is Elizabeth Moss, but you can call me Liz. My pronouns are she/they. I'm from Greenville, Ohio, and this is my first year at MU! I'm working towards a major in elementary education with a minor in peace studies.


    What are you involved in at Manchester? (campus jobs, internships, sports, clubs, etc.)

    I'm a part of the Theater Society, Kenapocomoco Coalition, Simply Brethren, and Manchester Aspiring Educators. On top of that, I hold two campus jobs as a Social Media Ambassador and a Spartan Ambassador!


    If you're on a sports team (Esports included) why do you enjoy playing that sport? 

    I recently joined the cheer team! It's my first time cheering, and I'm absolutely loving it!


    Why did you choose Manchester University?

    I chose Manchester because of its fantastic education program and the incredible opportunities it offers. You won't find such fantastic opportunities anywhere else.


    What is your favorite thing about Manchester University?

    The sense of home. The moment I set foot on campus, I knew this was where I belonged. Manchester has an incredibly welcoming and supportive community.


    What do you see yourself doing after Manchester?

    I see myself having my own elementary classroom, teaching and inspiring young kids to grow, learn and flourish their creativity in education. My goal is to let kids be kids while giving them the education they deserve.


    Who is your favorite professor and why?

    My favorite professor so far has to be Michael Staudenmaier. He teaches my U.S. History for Elementary Educators class, and I'm really enjoying it. He doesn't just feed us info; he tosses us questions that make us think deeply about history and how we can use it in our future classrooms. He makes this class engaging, and I enjoy having those deep discussions in his class!


    What is a Manchester bucket list item you'd like to check off?

    I would love to try something new each year at Manchester, whether it's stepping out of my comfort zone or trying a new sport, club, class, etc.


    What is something someone wouldn't know just by looking at you?

    I love to do archery! I did it for seven years at my high school.


    What is your favorite Manchester memory?

    My favorite Manchester memory has to be all the movie nights my friends and I host in my room or any time I spend with them! We always share laughs, make memories and have a blast. Those are the memories that last forever!

  • Samantha Ziemniak
    by Kaitlyn Estep | Aug 29, 2023

    How did you become interested in pharmacy, specifically Manchester's program?

    When I was in 8th grade, we had time to research potential careers to get us thinking about our future. I wasn't sure what I wanted to be; I just knew I wanted to be in the medical field. During that time, I considered my options and recalled all the trips to the local Walgreens to pick up my dad's medicine or get an over-the-counter item. I remember how friendly the pharmacist was and the impact he had; I wanted to be just like him and help people like he helped our family. Before attending pharmacy school, I pursued my bachelor's degree at Manchester and thoroughly enjoyed the experience here. The small class sizes enhanced the learning experience, and the faculty/staff were always willing to do whatever it took to help you succeed.


    What advice do you have for incoming pharmacy students?

    Take advantage of networking opportunities when they are presented to you! Network with fellow students, professors, and professionals in the field. Pharmacy is a tight knit community, and you will appreciate these connections later on.


    What do you do in your spare time?

    I enjoy spending as much time outdoors as possible, whether it's playing tennis, kayaking, or going for walks!


    Any additional comments:

    Pharmacy school is a graduate program for a reason, so it is challenging but not impossible! While studying is important, don't forget to make time for yourself and prioritize your mental health; it is just as crucial. Striking a healthy school-life balance will set you up for success.


  • Emily Ewen
    by Kaitlyn Estep | Aug 11, 2023

    Tell us about yourself!

    My name is Emily Ewen, and my pronouns are she/her. I’m originally from Wolcott, Ind., but I now live in Roanoke, Ind.! I graduated from Manchester in 2021 with a major in secondary English education. I currently work in the Office of Admissions at MU as an admissions counselor.


    What’s your favorite part about your job at Manchester University?

    My favorite part of the job is moving students onto campus and seeing how excited they are to start their new journey. I also love making them personal cards!


    How long have you been working at Manchester? What led you here?

    I have been here for a little over a year and a half! I wanted to help students navigate through this influential time in their lives and help with the confusing college search process.


    What advice would you give to a Manchester student?

    Grasp every opportunity that is presented to you, even if it’s scary! You will learn a lot about yourself and grow as a person.


    Why did you choose to work at Manchester?

    I LOVED being a student here, so I wanted to return to that environment. 

  • Braydon Hoggatt
    by Kaitlyn Estep | Jul 24, 2023

    Tell us about yourself!

    I’m an incoming sophomore with majors in business management and educational studies. On top of that, I am looking to add a music minor. I am a firm believer in the three big parts of life – family, friends, and, of course, board games! When I’m not spending time with my family or friends, you’ll definitely find me at a card table playing board games. While the classics like Monopoly, Sorry or Life are always fun, my true love for board games lies with the more complex ones like Wingspan, Scythe or MTG (Magic: The Gathering).


    What are you involved in on campus?

    While on campus, I am an active member of the varsity tennis team, A Cappella Choir, Chamber Singers, American Chemical Society, College of Business Club, Manchester Aspiring Educators, STAT and the Honors Program.


    Why did you choose Manchester University?

    I chose Manchester for a couple of reasons. The first is the size. I come from a very small town in Indiana called Union City. I felt like Manchester just offered me a chance to be at home while not being at home. The second reason I chose Manchester was the way that everyone made me feel welcome. Throughout the course of my senior year in high school, I had numerous professors, coaches and admissions staff reach out with personal letters that just made me feel like I was a part of their family, and I hadn’t even decided to attend there yet.


    What do you see yourself doing after Manchester?

    After Manchester, I plan on entering the education field as a business teacher and slowly working my way into high school administration. Once I reach an administrative position, I plan to work my way into education politics at the state level in hopes of helping rework the current system into something that can become the future of our state.


    Tell us about your community involvement in your hometown of Union City.

    Over the course of my life, I have been a part of some amazing activities and events in my hometown of Union City, Indiana. As a son of two very impactful educators in my community, I was always able to tag along and work on some incredible projects. Union City is home to many unique events like State Line Heritage Days, A Community Christmas, or our community Thanksgiving. I can proudly say that I have been a part of these as long as I can remember. Whether it meant volunteering insane hours to help put on a truly jaw-dropping Christmas display or bringing my love for acting to the people on stage for our yearly melodramas, my community involvement resume is seemingly endless.


    How have you been spending your summer?

    This summer, I have had the privilege to work as a grant writer at my old high school. Through this opportunity, I have learned the ins and outs of the administrative side of a school. Besides that, I’ve been doing yard work, remodeling bathrooms, playing tennis, and playing several rounds of golf.


    What advice would you give to an incoming Manchester student?

    If I had to give any advice to an incoming Manchester student, I’d tell them not to be afraid to put themselves out there. Looking back on my first year, I’ve realized that my whole first semester seemed to be wasted because I was too afraid to go out and meet new people. Once I broke out of my shell, I met some amazing people who have made my time at Manchester so much more worthwhile. The sooner you put yourself out there, the sooner you’ll be able to get the full Manchester experience!

  • Hamza Ahmad
    by Kaitlyn Estep | Jul 10, 2023

    Why did you choose to attend Manchester?

    I was initially interested in Manchester because my older brother attended the school before me and enjoyed his time here and thought it was a good school to get his education. After doing my research, I found many things Manchester offers to be really important and convincing. For example, the interprofessional education experiences that they have with other health care students from other programs was something I really liked. This was important to me because it helped mimic the situations that we would likely face in a real-world situation, and that is exactly the time of experience and education that I was hoping to get from a pharmacy school.


    What's your favorite thing about Manchester?

    My favorite thing about Manchester is the fact that the class you have is relatively small compared to other pharmacy schools and you get a lot of one-on-one time with professors and faculty. Also, my classmates are much more welcoming and helpful than I expected. It really feels like a team effort to ensure everyone is prepared and aware of what is going on and what needs to be done.


    What advice would you give to incoming students?

    I encourage students to take advantage of office hours for all their professors. Going to the professor's office and asking questions is very important to know what they are looking for, what material is most important to master, and how to study for their exams. The professors know the material very well and know what is most important to focus on when studying for exams.


    What do you do for fun?

    Whenever I have any spare time, I make sure that I can play basketball for at least an hour or two. I find that basketball allows me to forget everything I have going on with school and focus on having a good time and playing the game I love.

  • Brooklyn Schumm
    by Kaitlyn Estep | Jul 03, 2023

    Tell us about yourself!

    My name is Brooklyn Schumm, my pronouns are she/they, I am from Kendallville, Ind., and I am a 2023 graduate. My majors were graphic design and community arts organization.


    What are you involved in on campus?

     During my time at Manchester, I held two internship positions. One year, I worked as an intern for Student Life, and the following year I was a social media intern. I also had a job at Sisters Café for a year. Outside of working and interning, I was a member of the Honors Program. 


    Why did you choose Manchester University?

    I transferred to Manchester during quarantine to better my mental health. The school I was going to before was not a good match for me, and I knew I had to make a change. I had many friends who had gone/were going to Manchester and spoke wonders about the school and the professors, so I wanted to see what all of the hype was about. Coming to Manchester was like a breath of fresh air compared to the school I previously attended. I couldn't be happier with my decision to transfer here!


    What is your favorite thing about Manchester?

    My favorite thing about Manchester is the people. Whether it be the professors, my coworkers/bosses when I was completing my internships or my friends, the people here at Manchester made the stress of transferring worth it.


    What do you see yourself doing after Manchester?

    This July, I will be moving with my partner to Indianapolis. I will be looking to find and start a job in the graphic design field or social media management.


    Who is your favorite professor you have had?

    My favorite professor was Ejenobo Oke. She taught me so much inside and outside the classroom during my time at Manchester. She has been my rock at MU and I love her so dearly. I am blessed to be able to call her not only my professor but my friend. I appreciate all of the wisdom and teachings she has shared with me since meeting her in 2020.


    What is your favorite class you have taken at Manchester?

    My favorite class I have ever taken at Manchester would probably be my Advanced Crafts class with Ejenobo Oke. I was able to weave my own graduation stole on a floor loom, which is one of the best experiences I have ever had. 


    What advice would you give to an incoming Manchester student?  

    I would advise an incoming Manchester student to use these next four years to reinvent yourself. Personally, I used this time to try and make my younger self proud, which I think turned out pretty well.


    What is something someone wouldn't know just by looking at you?

    My go-to playlist when driving consists of Minecraft parodies, One Direction, and bedroom pop.


    What is your favorite Manchester memory?

    One of my favorite memories was with Jena (my academic advisor) in 2020, when I first started attending Manchester. I was fully remote for my entire first year here, which is hard for an art major. However, Jena was an angel who would come to my house and sit in my front yard with me to go over what I was missing in studio time to ensure I was getting it right. These little picnics rekindled my love for creating and led me to declare both of my art majors.

  • Andrew Forte
    by Kaitlyn Estep | Jun 19, 2023

    How did you become interested in pharmacy and, specifically, Manchester’s program?

    I had never thought about a career in health care prior to my senior year of high school, when I began an internship at my local Walgreens. Going from intern to technician, and watching the pharmacists teach patients on a daily basis, showed me how much I enjoy helping people learn. It was not long into my time at Walgreens that I decided to change my direction from mechanical engineering to pre-pharmacy. The pharmacist I worked with the most also had ties to Manchester’s Pharmacy Program, and his respect for this university told me everything I needed to know. I was confident in the decision to come to Manchester, so much so that I only applied here. Some may say that was a risky decision, which it may have been, but I do not regret it. 


    Do you know what area of pharmacy you would like to work in?

    I loved my time in the hospital during IPPE 2, so I initially set my sights on residency. Since then, some plans have changed, and I am no longer pursuing residency immediately after graduation; however, I am still looking for a position that carries similar aspects. 


    What advice do you have for incoming pharmacy students?

    Truly take in all the information thrown at you during your first year regarding student organizations and events and pick one area to devote your time. Having that involvement is beneficial in many ways, including building relationships with professors and classmates and learning about the various opportunities available to you during school and after graduation. This advice comes from my own lack of involvement as a P1, partially due to COVID, and I wonder how many missed experiences were out there. 


    What do you do in your spare time? 

    For most of my life, I have been fascinated with guitar and metal music, and for the past eight years, I have been working on becoming the best guitarist I can be. It has become my favorite hobby, and I have spent a lot of time with it, even in pharmacy school. Some more advice to the new students, do not let the things you love about life slip away while you are in school. If you keep yourself busy with school and other important things in life, you can maintain your sanity and love for Manchester. 

  • Brayden Sayre
    by User Not Found | Apr 03, 2023
    Tell us about yourself!

    My name is Brayden Sayre (he/him), I am from Brownsburg, Ind., and I am a marketing major in the class of 2024.


    What are you involved in on campus?

    I am involved in the College of Business Club, Honors Program, College of Business Freshman mentor, and an internship with LOCALiQ | USA TODAY NETWORK.


    Why did you choose Manchester University?

    I enjoyed the tight knit community that the size of the school offered, and it was the right distance away from home. 


    What is your favorite thing about Manchester?

    I really enjoy the PERC and hanging out with friends around campus. 


    What do you see yourself doing after Manchester?

    I see myself working as a digital marketing analyst or content creator. 


    Who is your favorite professor you have had?

    My favorite professor is Professor Hoffman.


    What is your favorite class you have taken at Manchester?

    My favorite class that I have taken at Manchester is Promotions and Advertising.


    What’s a Manchester bucket list item you’d like to check off?

    Painting the rock!


    What advice would you give to an incoming Manchester student?

    If there is something on campus you think you'd be interested in, just try it. Chances are, you'll love it and meet some great people along the way. 


    What is something someone wouldn't know just by looking at you?

    I like 80's - 90's rap/pop music. 


    What is your favorite Manchester memory?

    Playing mud volleyball during May Day last year.
  • Carl "Alex" Felton
    by User Not Found | Mar 30, 2023

    Tell us about yourself!
    I am Carl "Alex" Felton, and my pronouns are he, him and his. I am a junior at Manchester and a double major in biology and psychology with a concentration in cognitive neuroscience. My hometown is currently Angola, Ind.; however, I was born in Bethesda, Md., and lived in Fredericksburg, Va., and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.


    What are you involved in on campus?
    I work as a supplemental instruction leader (peer tutor) for Biology 108 and 108L, and I'm a science peer tutor. This past summer, I completed a psychology internship focusing on trauma, eating disorders and disordered eating. I am a member of the International Honors Club of Psychology (Psi Chi), STEM Academy and the Honors Program.

    I recently resigned from men's track and field to focus more on my Senior Honor Thesis and preparation for graduate school applications. I enjoyed being on the team and was inspired by the camaraderie of the coaches and student-athletes. I have the utmost respect for Coach Cashdollar as he provides every student-athlete with an opportunity to excel in their athletic abilities.


    Why did you choose Manchester University?
    As a homeschooled student, Manchester University was the most plausible next step. I had expectations that university would be challenging for many reasons, so it was important that my next step would be one that felt like home, allowed me to be my best self, allowed me to grow as a student and individual, and still feel very much a part of the MU family.


    What is your favorite thing about Manchester?
    My favorite thing about Manchester is the diversity in education. I enjoy labs, traveling abroad, working as a peer mentor, and participating in sports. These are all essential to helping students be well-rounded as young adults.


    What do you see yourself doing after Manchester?
    My immediate goal after MU is to attend graduate school in pharmacogenomics or biological sciences and participate in a doctoral program that encompasses neuropharmacology. My ultimate goal is to work as a biomedical engineer with a concentration in neural engineering, using techniques to understand, repair, replace, or enhance neural systems associated with brain cancer. I also want to continue learning foreign languages such as Hebrew.


    Who is your favorite professor you have had?
    My favorite Professors are Dr. Short, Dr. Kessie, and Dr. Robison. They are both very personable, attentive to student needs and ensure students feel comfortable with their assignments and labs.


    What is your favorite class you have taken at Manchester?
    I have enjoyed all of my courses at Manchester. I have three favorites: Stats I with Dr. Kessie, Stats II with Dr. M. Coulter-Kern, and Intro to Microbiology with Dr. Short and Dr. Robison.


    What's a Manchester bucket list item you'd like to check off?
    I didn't have a bucket list item perse, but I really wanted to be able to continue traveling while in college. I have had the opportunity to participate in two travel courses during Jan Term 2022 and 2023.  


    What advice would you give to an incoming Manchester student?
    The advice I'd give to incoming first-years at Manchester would be to really embrace our motto of "Best Self." The significance of this is that you are in charge of your future, which makes how you get there very important. Take advantage of all MU has to offer, join clubs, participate in a sport, travel abroad, get to know your professors, and have fun. MU is very much a family environment. They will provide you with all the support, encouragement, and extra nudges you need to be successful.


    What is something someone wouldn't know just by looking at you?
    I think by looking at me, no one would guess that I'm a second-degree black in TaeKwonDo and an Orange belt in Hapkido, that I have lived in or traveled to six different countries as a homeschool student, including Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Germany, Italy, Canada and France, and I've traveled to Hawaii and Belize while at MU. I also do not feel you can tell I'm 18 years old. I started Manchester when I was 15 and proudly share my birthday with Manchester's Founders Day.


    What is your favorite Manchester memory?
    One of my favorite Manchester memories was that after being accepted to MU, I saw the Class of 2024 facts listing the youngest student admitted as 15. It was humbling to know that I was making Manchester history.

  • Gracianne Nohl
    by User Not Found | Mar 16, 2023

    Tell us about yourself!

    My name is Gracianne Nohl (she/her/hers) and I am a second-year Digital Media Arts major from Johnsonville, Wisconsin.

    What are you involved in on campus?

    I am an RA in Garver. I have two on-campus jobs  I working for Cordier crew and in Funderburg Library. I am also an active member of Manchester University's Theatre Society. 

    Why did you choose Manchester University?

    I chose Manchester University because it was a smaller campus that offered a major that fit my interests. I was also impressed with the study abroad program when I toured.

    What is your favorite thing about Manchester?

    My favorite thing about Manchester is Theatre Society. It is a student-run club that puts on productions. It gives so many opportunities to act, write, perform and create. I love having a creative outlet on campus and getting to work with amazing individuals. 

    What do you see yourself doing after Manchester?

    I could see myself either working as a social media coordinator or pursuing a film degree.

    Who is your favorite professor you have had?

    I love all of the communications and art department professors – I don't think I could pick a favorite!

    What is your favorite class you have taken at Manchester?

    My favorite class I have taken is Typography with Ejenobo Oke. I learned valuable graphic design skills and how to apply creativity to a professional setting. 

    What’s a Manchester bucket list item you’d like to check off?

    I would love to take part in the May Day tricycle race (and hopefully win)! 

    What advice would you give to an incoming Manchester student?

    Be social and get involved earlier rather than later. Most of the connections you make are through small moments or random coincidences so it's important to come to campus with a positive attitude and open mind. Also, check out Theatre Society!

    What is something someone wouldn't know just by looking at you?

    I used to raise pigs for my county 4-H club.

    What is your favorite Manchester memory?

    My favorite Manchester memory was May Day weekend my freshman year. I remember spending hours in the PERC setting up for the air bands and drag show. It was gratifying to help run events that the whole campus can be a part of! There's so many fun events (like mud volleyball) and the weather was beautiful.

  • Renae Walker-Zamora
    by User Not Found | Mar 07, 2023

    Tell us about yourself!

    My name is Renae Walker-Zamora (she/her/hers). I am a junior General Music and Educational Studies: Concentration in Counseling Major, and I am from Austin, Texas!

    What are you involved in on campus?

    I am currently a member of both choral organization groups - A Cappella Choir (Vice-president) and Chamber Singers. I have also been a part of Campus Interfaith Board for the past three years now, and I am also the music coordinator in the Chapel.

    Other clubs: Theatre Society (Treasurer), Artists Anonymous (President & Historian), Manchester's Aspiring Educators (Activities Coordinator) and the National Association for Music Educators (Secretary).

    Why did you choose Manchester University?

    I found Manchester University through a high school college program called AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination). It was a program that allowed you to look for colleges and scholarships online every week.

    I chose Manchester University because I wanted to be a part of a small/private university. In Texas, many colleges are usually public and big. I also wanted to pick a school that fitted well with my financial needs. Manchester University offered many grants and scholarships to me that I am forever grateful for. I will admit that I had a love-hate relationship with the idea of traveling all the time from Texas to Indiana, but I have enjoyed traveling so much and being in a new environment. Fun Fact, when I got here this was the very first time I saw SNOW! This was also my first time seeing black squirrels. (Very interesting!)

    What is your favorite thing about Manchester?

    What I love about Manchester is that there are many opportunities for you to be involved. There are so many clubs and organizations on campus, and I think it's great that people are even allowed to create their own clubs that fit them best. Everyone on campus is very welcoming, friendly and helpful. It's great feeling comfortable on campus when you are so far away from home.

    What do you see yourself doing after Manchester?

    I plan to continue my education in graduate school after Manchester. I want to become a music therapist! Right now, I am looking into two-year music therapy equivalent programs that allow you the qualifications to become board certified. After a few years, I may go back and get my master’s. I would love to work with patients in hospitals that fall under all treatments, kids with disabilities or addiction/rehab centers. I have also been looking into settings for the military - people who might suffer with PTSD or might be wounded. I have a big heart for helping people, and I found music therapy to be so fitting for me. Music is very healing for everyone! 

    Who is your favorite professor you have had?

    This is a tough question! I love the Music Department here and they have all been so supportive and helpful throughout my years at Manchester. They are all special to me in their own way. I love how they are all supportive academically but also on a personal level. They take the time to understand me and get to know me. They see me as someone special and not as a number. I think that is want makes this department so great is that it feels like having a second family here.

    If I had to pick one professor though, it would definitely be Robert Lynn (Doc Rob). He never gives me problems simply because he is always in his own bubble and never really talks to me. He just smiles at me in the hallway and teaches me whatever I need to know. What a man!

    What is your favorite class you have taken at Manchester?

    Out of all my music classes it would have to be my private voice and piano lessons. I have also enjoyed taking basic conducting with Debra Lynn and Mason Kniola! I enjoyed these classes because it allowed to step out of my comfort zone and figure out what works best for me. It allowed me to figure my own styles as a musician and what makes me unique. If I had to pick a class outside my music courses, it would have to be my African American Literature class with Dr. Beate Gilliar or my Racial, Ethnic and Gender Inequality class with Dr. Alicia Dailey. 

    What’s a Manchester bucket list item you’d like to check off?

    I would like to help organize an event on campus with the Manchester Activities Council. Out of all the clubs I have been in, I been wanting to collaborate with MAC for quite a while since I have enjoyed all the activities they have put on at Manchester.

    What advice would you give to an incoming Manchester student?

    If you are struggling academically or mentally, get help! There is always someone there for you on campus. We have very supportive counselors on campus and people from the Bowen Center that come in to talk with you if you need it. There are also many wonderful professors on campus who are willing to listen. You are not alone, and you matter to the world!

    Another thing is, make sure you are majoring in something that you want to do. Don't allow people to speak for you, if it something you love, then go for it. I have changed my major three times because it took me forever to figure out what I wanted, or I had people telling me what to do. Or I was holding myself back because I was worried for being judged or not being successful in the future right away. If you put in the work, think ahead and do your best, I promise you will be all right!

    What is something someone wouldn't know just by looking at you?

    I used to be a dancer when I was a kid, I had a huge interest in volleyball, and I was adopted when I was 13 years old.

    What is your favorite Manchester memory?

    My favorite memory would have to be singing at Carnegie Hall in New York with the A Cappella Choir. It was an experience I will never forget. I have also enjoyed being a part of the past two opera workshops with Debra Lynn. This was my first time being introduced to opera. and I have learned so much and made wonderful friends. 

  • Sophie Updike
    by User Not Found | Feb 27, 2023

    Tell us about yourself!

    My name is Sophie Updike (she/her). I'm an Elementary Education with Mild Intervention major and a minor in History. I am a junior, and I'm from Huntington, Ind.

    What are you involved in on campus?

    I am the vice president of Manchester Aspiring Educators. I am also a student worker for the Education Department. 

    Why did you choose Manchester University?

    I chose MU for two big reasons: it offered the best financial aid to help me achieve my goals, and it had a small academic community. Financial aid was super important to me because I am a first-generation college student. A small community with a shared purpose was important to me because I wanted to be able to connect with others in my major and with my professors. 

    What is your favorite thing about Manchester?

    I love how close you feel to your major and your chosen field! With small classes, I've had a great relationship with all my professors. It feels easy to ask questions and get answers when something is confusing or difficult. I also feel that the courses and clinical experiences I've had have been intentional in design, which, as an education major, is super important to me. 

    What do you see yourself doing after Manchester?

    I plan on teaching at the elementary level and entering law school after graduating from MU. It's my hope to become an advocate for children who are unable to advocate for themselves, especially within special education. All children deserve the right to an education, and not all children are given the opportunity to get the most from their education. I want to become someone who can facilitate change within education to make it more accessible and equitable. 

    Who is your favorite professor?

    Dr. Stacy Stetzel, for sure! Her classes always have lots of energy, and we always have conversations about real-world issues that teachers face in the classroom. She never teaches directly from a textbook and her lectures are not typical lectures, which makes class fly by.

    What is your favorite class you have taken at Manchester?

    I couldn't pick a favorite class, but I can say that EDUC 340 (or LitBlock) is going to be a great class! Learning how to teach kids how to read is something I've been anticipating since freshman year!

    What’s a Manchester bucket list item you’d like to check off?

    Studying abroad! I got to travel to London during the last January session, and it was one of the best experiences I've ever had!

    What advice would you give to an incoming Manchester student?

    Do the reading and ask questions. No one ever does the reading for classes, and it shows when you can't participate in class. I've found that you get the most out of classes when you already can participate in discussions, and you gain that ability by doing the readings. Asking questions is so important! Having the confidence to say, "I don't understand. Please help me to." is the most important thing for someone who is trying to better themself. The professors here make it so easy to ask questions, and when you take advantage of that, you set yourself up to do great things!

    What is something someone wouldn't know just by looking at you?

    I am not a super creative person, but art is one of my favorite things! Literature, paintings, sculpture, music and everything in between! If I'm not doing homework or working, I'm reading a new book, listening to music or finding something creative to focus my energy on. 

    What is your favorite Manchester memory?

    My clinical experience last semester was truly something I'll never forget. I taught my very first lesson over adverbs, and I created a game for my class to play that included their names along with little things I remembered about my students. When they realized what I had done, the look on their faces was the single most impactful moment of my time in that classroom. They were elated that I remembered that someone liked to draw and someone else liked to read books about football. It really settled my decision to become a teacher for me, and I can't wait to have more moments like that.

  • Diana Nettleton
    by User Not Found | Feb 20, 2023

    It was a warm August day in 1989 when my Manchester journey began. I am from the very small town of Talma, Ind. I was pretty sure that I did not want to go to a large college – after all, I would probably get lost. I knew I wanted to be an elementary school teacher and needed a degree to have that career.


    It was here that I began a journey to being a teacher – a teacher who is equipped to change the world! In my very first semester of college, I was in the classroom! Manchester gave me teaching experience and room to grow my talents throughout my undergraduate journey. I keep using the word journey because that was what the Manchester experience was for me, a journey in my career choice and my personal life too.


    I met my future husband, Matt, here at Manchester. We decided to live in North Manchester largely because of the small-town culture filled with entire-world experiences. My journey led me to Manchester College, and I am who I am in large part because of that warm day in August 1989.

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