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My Manchester Story

Aaliyah Dates

by User Not Found | Dec 11, 2022

Tell us about yourself!

My name is Aaliyah Dates. I am a senior, class of 2023. I am from Fort Wayne, IN.

What are you involved in on campus?

I am a student health assistant for Manchester Health Services and I'm a Multicultural Affairs Programmer.

Why did you choose Manchester University?

I chose Manchester because of their health sciences program and the small faculty to student ratio.

What is your favorite thing about Manchester?

My favorite thing about Manchester is the close friends I've been able to meet because of Manchester's close-knit community.

What do you see yourself doing after Manchester?

I will graduate from a medical laboratory science program and eventually get my doctorate in epidemiology.

Who is your favorite professor you have had?

My favorite professor is Dr. Jennifer Robison.

What is your favorite class that you have taken at Manchester?

My favorite class has been micro-biology.

What is a Manchester bucket list item that you'd like to check off?

Walking across the stage in May and shaking Pres. Dave's hand is all that is left.

What advice would you give to an incoming Manchester student?

To become involved on campus early on and not be afraid to put yourself out there. Try new things!

What is something that someone wouldn't know just by looking at you?

I am CPR certified and teach work skills to adults with disabilities during the summer.

What is your favorite Manchester memory?

Winning costume bingo dressed as Steve Harvey with my best friend, Brooke Davis, dressed as Dr. Phil.

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