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Managing the Final Stretch

by Kelleen Cullison | May 02, 2017

With the semester coming to an end, I think I’m feeling more stressed out, rather than relieved. There are classes to register for, housing to sign up for, and impending finals to deal with. How am I supposed to look forward to summer vacation when I have to contend with all of that?!

It took me a little while (and some MAJOR anxiety) to get everything feeling under control, and to spare you the same fate, I will bequeath you with my hard earned wisdom for managing the end of the school year.

  1. If you’re looking for one, start applying for summer jobs and internships NOW. Preferably during Spring Break if you can. That way you can apply while you’re home, and give the place you’re applying for plenty of time to review your application. If it’s been two weeks, and you haven’t heard back, don’t panic. They might not have started reviewing applications yet. To be sure though, it’s best to call and ask for the manager. It may feel nerve-wracking (it was for me!) but it’ll give you an idea of where you stand, and if you should look elsewhere. It also shows initiative to the person hiring. As for internships, SpartanJobs can help give you a few suggestions. And if you don’t know what you’re looking for exactly, Career Services staff are very open to talk, and love getting students and internships hooked up. It’s a service provided to you, so DON’T be afraid to utilize it.
  2. Start packing your room. I don’t mean you need to be sleeping on the ground or anything, but start bringing home little things, like clothes you know you aren’t wearing or that PlayDough you keep on your desk but never use. Taking a few items back with you each time you visit home will help keep you from being totally overwhelmed when move out day comes!
  3. When registering, write down the classes you want to take, along with backup classes. This is especially important for underclassmen, who can’t register until the week after juniors and seniors. If you think registering itself is stressful, wait until the class you wanted is closed and you’re scrambling to find another open one that fits your schedule.
  4. Don’t wait until the last minute to write your final papers and projects. If you have a professor assign the final paper/project in April, get it done in April. If you wait till the weekend before it’s due, you’ll also have to contend with the papers/projects other professors gave to you last minute!
  5. Make time for fun. Manchester is a really great place to be in the spring. Do your homework on the mall. Take a study break and go sit down by the river (bring bug spray!). Go meditate in the peace garden. Being outdoors is therapeutic, and you should take all the free therapy you can get right now!

I’m not saying that by following these steps, you won’t be stressed out during these final months. College is stressful, because stress means you’re being challenged. It’s managing that stress so that it doesn’t interfere with the fun you should also be having!

Kelleen Cullison ’20 is pursuing an English major and minors in Journalism and Peace Studies. She hopes to work as an editor for a publishing company, and hopes to help current and prospective Manchester students avoid the mistakes she is currently making.

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