Acceptable Use Policy


I. Definitions


AUP – Acceptable Use Policy
ITS – Information Technology Services
Resources (computer resources/network resources) – College-owned PCs, the network and its ability to transmit data, access to and ability to browse the Internet, access to servers like e-mail, network-stored files, etc.
User(s) – Faculty, emeriti, staff, retirees, students and select guests


II. General Policy

The College network, to include the Internet connection and College-owned servers, has been designed as a computer medium in which Users can be productive. In order to maintain an efficient and productive computer network, the College has mandated an "acceptable use policy." As with all College computing policies, this AUP is applicable to the entire campus network, any computing equipment attached to the network and any College-owned computing equipment not attached to the network. The AUP reflects both ethical and legal considerations and indicates privileges and responsibilities of the Users. Users are subject to the provisions of the AUP. Access to the network is a privilege. Any User engaging in activities contrary to the established policies governing computer technology use, including this AUP, may lose network access privileges as outlined in this document or in other published sources. 
All Users must ensure that College computer systems are used only in an efficient, ethical, and lawful manner. Any User action not specifically mentioned in this document but that hinders or jeopardizes the network may be used as grounds for revocation of a User’s network privileges. This policy is subject to amendment without prior notice.


III. Ownership/Privacy Rights 

All computers, computer systems, electronic media, electronic data, Internet connections, electronic mail, software, networks, manuals, related licenses and all other Resources are the exclusive property of the College and not that of any individual.
Individual Users have no personal privacy or property rights in electronic mail or other communications that they receive or send on College Resources.


The College has the capacity and reserves the right (without further notice) to monitor the use of its computer systems (including e-mail and Internet access) to ensure compliance with this policy. It is the policy of the College to comply with all legal requests for information, including transactional history.
CAVEAT: Personal privacy tools do not effectively eliminate one’s network transactional traces.


IV. Residence Hall Occupants

Users in residence hall rooms, even when utilizing personally-owned equipment, must abide by the same policies operating in the public labs. For example, a residence hall occupant is responsible for the use of his/her computer in his/her room and will be held responsible for any and all inappropriate activity involving his/her equipment. Residence hall occupants may not tamper with or attempt to repair any network and/or cabling device beyond and including the network wall plate.



IV. Copyrighted Material

College computer resources are for legal purposes only. All copyrighted material located on College-owned equipment must be registered with the vendor and with ITS. Unregistered copies of copyrighted material found on the network will be deleted. Copyrighted material may not be sent over the network for others to copy. Users are not to use College resources, including the network, to distribute any copyrighted material or create duplicate or mirror Internet sites without express written permission from the copyright holder. Unauthorized copyrighted files will be deleted without warning unless written copyright permission is provided to the Director of ITS or his/her designee. For additional information, see the Copyright Policy.


V. Security 
All Users are provided with a network ID and password to access College network resources. Users may not provide rights or access to persons unauthorized for network privileges. Forwarding access or sharing network IDs and passwords is strictly prohibited.

VI. Computer Facility Access

College computer facilities are available to all Users during regular posted hours. College IDs are required to use computer facilities. Those without a valid College ID will be asked to stop using computer facilities. Users must adhere to the rules posted at the various computer facilities.

VII. Resource Allocation 

College computer facilities are available to all Users to support their activities in College programs. When the demand for computer resources exceeds the supply, the College observes a first-come, first-served policy, according to the following priorities as defined by the nature of the activity:
  • Assigned or supporting course work. This includes projects assigned in class that either by their nature or by specific instructions must be done on the computer. Any other course-related work is also included. Examples include programming projects and assigned computer exercises, course-related Internet research, writing papers and science lab computations.
  • Personal work. This includes projects for the User’s own enrichment or enlightenment, but which are not part of the College program. Examples may include writing letters to friends, preparing résumés or general Internet browsing.
  • Personal activity done mainly for entertainment. This may include instant messaging and/or online games.

The needs of Users completing course work supersede those wishing to do personal work or “play games.” Once a user is logged onto a computer to complete an assigned or supporting course work, that user need not surrender the machine until finished. If a lab is full, users who are not completing course works may be asked to surrender computer access in order to provide access to those completing a coursework.


VIII. Additional Prohibited Activities 

Fraudulent, harassing, threatening, discriminatory, sexually explicit or obscene messages and/or materials are not to be transmitted, printed, requested or stored on Colleges computer systems.
Users are not to damage, alter or steal College information resources, in the form of data, software or hardware, or take any other actions that may potentially impair the network including, but not limited to, the following: