Pharmacy, Natural & Health Sciences

Miller Study Abroad Scholarship Award

Because of their interest in international cultures, Ed and Martha Miller established this scholarship to aid students who desire to study and learn abroad. Any Manchester University undergraduate student enrolled full-time who plans to study abroad for a year, semester, or January Session is eligible, with preference given to natural and health science majors. Recipients will be selected on the basis of merit, motivation, and need. These award scholarships range anywhere from $500-1,500 and are in addition to the usual student aid and normal finances of the student. Award recipients must arrange and participate in the study abroad experience of a year, semester, or January Session between May 2024 - April 2025, prior to graduation. Failure to participate in the study abroad experience for which the award was given will result in the loss of funds. Students who are interested should apply before the deadline of March 25, 2024 to be considered. 

Use this application link to apply for the Miller Study Abroad as well as the other Manchester University donor-supported study away scholarships.

Your application is on or before Monday, March 25. Please email the Office of Study Away at if you have any additional questions.