Statistical Information
Enrollment By Classification and Load
Classification | Men | Women | Total |
High School | 3 | 1 | 4 |
First Years (0-27.75 hrs.) | 239 | 218 | 457 |
Sophomores (28-59.75 hrs.) | 110 | 147 | 257 |
Juniors (60-91.75 hrs.) | 130 | 148 | 278 |
Seniors (92 hrs. and up) | 129 | 134 | 263 |
Special | 0 | 2 | 2 |
Post-Grad degree | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Post-Grad non-degree | 4 | 0 | 4 |
Graduate degree | 4 | 20 | 14 |
Graduate non-degree | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MS Pharmacogenomics | 118
0 | 171
3 | 289
3 |
Total Full Time | 738 | 834 | 1572 |

Demographic Information
North Manchester campus
Undergraduate Degree-seeking Students
State Distribution
Arizona - 1
California - 7
Colorado - 2
District of Columbia - 1
Florida - 7
Georgia - 5
Illinois - 25
Indiana - 1038
Kansas - 1
Kentucky - 4
Maryland - 2
Michigan - 35
Minnesota - 2
Missouri - 2
New Jersey - 1
North Carolina - 5
Ohio - 46
Oregon - 2
Pennsylvania - 1
Rhode Island - 1
Tennessee - 2
Texas - 8
Virginia – 4
Washington - 4
Wisconsin - 2
Religious Affiliation
Anglican - 3
Apostolic - 2
Assembly of God - 9
Baptist - 74
Buddhist - 3
Church of the Brethren - 40
Church of Christ - 45
Church of God - 22
Congregational Christian - 7
Disciples of Christ - 33
Episcopal - 5
Evangelical - 3
Four Square Gospel - 1
Free Methodist - 6
Friends - 3
Grace Brethren - 1
Hindu - 1
Jehovah's Witness - 1
Lutheran - 51
Mennonite - 3
Missionary – 9
Morman CJC Latter Day Saints - 4
Muslim - 7
Nazarene - 9
Nondenominational - 85
Orthodox - 29
Pentecostal - 5
Presbyterian - 12
Reformed Church of America - 1
Roman Catholic - 204
Sikh - 2
Southern Baptist - 1
United Brethren - 3
United Church of Christ - 5
United Methodist - 68
Wesleyan - 3
Other - 98
No religious affiliation - 152
Unknown - 246
Country Distribution
Albania - 1
Antigua & Barbuda – 1
Argentina – 1
Egypt, Arab Republic - 1
Ethiopia - 25
France - 1
Ghana - 2
Haiti - 2
India - 1
Iraq - 3
Israel - 1
Jordan - 1
Korea, South – 2
Mexico - 3
Myanmar (Burma) - 1
Nigeria - 5
Uganda - 2
Uzbekistan - 1