Thomas Smith, Pharm.D., RPh, BCPP
Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice and Pharmacogenomics and Assistant Dean of Admissions & Alumni Engagement
Dr. Thomas Smith joined the Pharmacy Program in August 2012. He recently completed a specialized residency in psychiatry and neurology at the University Medical Center at Princeton and Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Jersey. In addition
to his core faculty responsibilities, he provides clinical services and practice pharmacy at Parkview Behavioral Health. Dr. Smith earned his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Rutgers University.
Classes Taught at Manchester
PHRM 451 IPT – Nervous System I (neurology)
PHRM 454 IPT – Nervous System II (psychiatry)
PHRM 330-331 Pharmacy Practice Lab
Areas of interest/Recent projects
Substance use disorders, Polypharmacy in psychiatric illness
Smith TR. Women and depression – Does gender matter? US Pharm. 2013; 38(9):36-39. Available at: http://www.uspharmacist.com/content/c/43010/?t=women%27s_health
Linn D, Murray A, Smith TR, Fuentes D. Clinical Considerations for the Management of Pediatric Patients with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Ment Health Clin. 2013;2(11):91. Available at: http://cpnp.org/resource/mhc/2013/05/clinical-considerations-management-pediatric-patients-attention.
Smith TR, Wagner ML, Liu MT. Effective Drug Therapy for Epilepsy. Pharmacy Times Health System Edition. Published online May 2012: http://www.pharmacytimes.com/publications/health-system-edition/2012/May-2012/Effective-Drug-Therapy-for-Epilepsy
Colaizzi JL, Smith TR. Medication Reconciliation: Implications for Community, Hospital and Consultant Pharmacists. The New Jersey Journal of Pharmacy 2008; 82: 24-25
“Antipsychotic polypharmacy in schizophrenia: A retrospective analysis”
Poster presented at the CPNP conference, April 2012
“Synthetic marijuana induced psychosis: a case report” Poster presented at the ASHP Midyear Conference, December 2011