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| Sep 28, 2016
One of the best parts of my job is hearing about the wonderful things that our students, staff and faculty do day in and day out. This email, from a former student, is a great example and, when it appeared in my inbox, it made my day.
I shared it with the students, staff and faculty on our North Manchester campus with this message:
“Manchester is a special place because of you. You invite others into our community in all the ways Jane describes, and more. Thank you."
Original message:
My name is Jane Jordan. I was a student at Manchester from 1970 to 1972. This past Wednesday my husband and I had occasion to visit the campus as I was picking up a book I have written at the Heckman Bindery. I wanted to reminisce and tell him stories and see how things had changed.
The campus is beautiful. But, the thing that impressed me the most was the hospitality and genuine friendliness we encountered. I have visited many college campuses and I have experienced them all pretty much the same way: students involved in conversations with peers, instructors hurrying about, minimal interaction with others. I just wanted you to know that every single person we encountered made it a priority to at least make eye contact and greet us pleasantly.
When entering or exiting a building, doors were always held open for us. More often than not, they would ask if they could help us locate something or if we needed anything. Many times, after finding out I used to attend there, they would engage us in conversation and explain changes that had occurred since that time. It was a lovely experience.
I just wanted you to know that you should be very proud of your students and staff. In this day and age when most are so busy and self-involved or buried in their communication devices, you have an atmosphere where others are noticed and welcomed and engaged. I hope that you can somehow let them know that their friendliness and openness was much appreciated. I am proud to have been a student at Manchester.
Jane Jordan