Coronavirus (COVID-19) Frequently Asked Questions
Published March 17, 2020
What is Manchester doing to respond to the outbreak?
A large team of administrators and staff have been monitoring the outbreak since it was first reported. Using all available resources, key individuals have been meeting daily, making decisions and plans that follow recommendations of state and local health agencies and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
Among other steps the University has taken:
- Adjusting operations to follow government directives and public health recommendations (e.g. online learning, social distancing, virtual meetings, etc.)
- With the exception of essential personnel, staff and faculty are encouraged to work remotely.
- Classes are being taught remotely and through online learning tools through the end of the semester.
- Residence halls are closing as of March 22, unless there are highly exceptional circumstances that would require a student to live on campus.
- Paying more attention to the cleaning of high-touch surfaces on both campuses.
- We have increased our inventory of personal protective equipment, including hand sanitizers, masks and gowns.
- Coronavirus prevention education has been incorporated into residence life programming, communication with student-athletes, and Toilet Talk.
Will the University close?
The University will not close unless there is a significant change in the COVID-19 epidemic in northeast Indiana and our local communities.
Should I still attend class?
Yes, graduate-level courses restart on March 23 and undergraduate courses restart on March 25. Through the end of the semester, classes will be taught through our online learning platform, Canvas, and other tools. Students should contact their individual faculty members for details on expectations around assignments, participation, quizzes, and exams.
Can I still stay in the residence halls?
The residence halls will close as of March 22 for the rest of the semester. Students will receive communication from their hall director regarding the check-out process. Students should contact with any questions.
Students who believe they have highly exceptional circumstances and wish to return to the residence halls must complete this form and state the reason for choosing to stay. This must be complete by Friday, March 20, and students who return to campus must return by Monday, March 23.
Will dining service be available?
Dining services will be limited to take-out meals only. Haist Commons operating hours may be adjusted as well.
Will I receive a refund/credit for my housing and meal plan?
The University will have an announcement by the end of the week, March 20, after reviewing the state and federal financial aid regulations.
Can I still use the PERC?
The PERC will be closed (including the fitness center and both gymnasiums) through the end of the semester.
Can I still work at my on-campus student employment position?
Please contact your supervisor to discuss the logistics of your student employment. All non-essential staff are encouraged to work from home during this time and not all student jobs can be performed remotely.
Should all meetings be moved to online meetings?
To practice effective social distancing, whenever possible, please utilize WebEx or Microsoft Teams for meetings.
Will the helpdesk be available for those working remote?
The helpdesk will remain available. Please submit a ticket through Chetnet.
How do I obtain the necessary supplies to clean my personal office area if I wish to do so?
Colleagues can find cleaning supplies in the respective locations previously identified by custodial services.
How can I avoid getting sick?
Follow the standard best practices for preventing the spread of illness:
- Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
- Cover coughs and sneezes in your elbow or sleeve, then wash your hands.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Stay at home and avoid public places and travel, when possible.
- Keep your personal space as clean as you can.
Will on campus events be canceled?
All events occurring on campus, through the end of the semester, have been rescheduled, postponed or canceled. The 2020 spring Commencement has been canceled and the University is exploring alternative possibilities to celebrate our 2020 graduates.
What do I need to do if I have to travel?
Colleagues and students should register travel plans with the University. This will help us keep the community safe and healthy.
If you travel, you should first consult the Centers for Disease Control web page which lists confirmed case of coronavirus. For a link to U.S. locations only, scroll down to the bottom of that page.
What do I need to do if I travel to an area known to have a COVID-19 outbreak?
If you believe you might have been exposed to coronavirus, please contact before returning to campus.
What is social distancing?
Social distancing means trying to keep yourself away from other people, especially large crowds.
What does it mean to self-quarantine, self-isolate, self-observe?
- Isolation separates sick people with a contagious disease from people who are not sick.
- Quarantine separates and restricts the movement of people who were exposed to a contagious disease to see if they become sick.
- Self-observation means you should remain alert for subjective fever, cough, or difficult breathing. If you develop fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, contact your health care provider and self-isolate.
How is the University addressing xenophobia or any related issues that may arise from the coronavirus outbreak?
Manchester University respects the infinite worth of every individual. Therefore, xenophobic behavior or any actions that target individuals and communities based on their identities is unacceptable and antithetical to what it means to be part of our community. We encourage students to share those experiences with us immediately so that they can be addressed. You can report bias incidents through Report it!
Where can I get more information?
Information is rapidly developing and you can find the most up-to-date national information about the coronavirus on the CDC website.
University information can be found here.
Are visitors allowed on campus?
At this time, the University has cancelled all admissions visits and is asking that visitors refrain from coming to campus.
How can we help protect others and ourselves from the spread of coronavirus?
If you are sick:
- If you have symptoms, stay home and seek medical care. Before going to a health care provider, call ahead.
Students on the North Manchester & Fort Wayne Campus:
These free, easy-to-use resources provide patients with recommended actions, including whether they should stay home or seek treatment with a provider. Options are available 24/7 and offer prompt guidance while limiting exposure to others.
Visit for detailed self-triage information
Call 1-877-PPG-TODAY (1-877-774-8632) for a free phone screening
If off-campus:
Indiana state department of health epidemiology resource center at 317-233-7125 (317-233-1325 after hours) or your local health department or provider.
Please contact to keep the University apprised of your situation.
- Avoid contact with others.
- Do not travel while sick – in particular, do not use public transportation.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing.
How do I limit the risk of getting sick?
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.
- If you are in an area identified as being at risk, avoid close contact with others, including handshakes.