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Manchester Nutrition Sciences Majors: Prepare to Lead the Charge Against Complex Diseases

Food and nutrition are the foundations of good health. In the Manchester University nutrition sciences major, students are prepared to develop lifelong personal health practices and to advise others on what to eat to lead a healthy lifestyle or achieve a specific health-related goal.

Many complex diseases, such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease, could be better managed with the help of a nutritionist as part of a health care team. In fact, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that nutritionists and dietitians will be in higher demand because of the increasing prevalence of complex diseases in an aging population. Manchester nutrition majors develop a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between nutrition and medicine as they relate to human health.







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*Nutrition Sciences students can graduate with 53 - 78 major credit hours depending on coursework.

Why Choose Manchester for a Nutrition Sciences Degree?

Manchester has a reputation for excellence in the health sciences with a strong foundation in the liberal arts. As a nutrition major, you’ll learn practical food and nutrition application skills and develop your ability to think critically and effectively analyze and solve problems. You’ll also:

  • Develop effective communication and presentation proficiency
  • Learn coaching skills
  • Acquire Servsafe® certification for food handling demonstrations or food careers
  • Understand how to evaluate evidence-based news, identify dishonest practices and inform the public
Focus on lifestyle health practices for lifelong health

Choose your nutrition sciences track

We offer four Nutrition Sciences Program opportunities, including:

Choose a traditional nutrition major, and you’ll study food science, organic chemistry, meal prep, diet planning, micronutrients and metabolism. You will be prepared for careers in lifestyle and a living nutrition setting.

The nutrition sciences major with Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) concentration is designed to prepare students for further study, including fulfilling requirements for acceptance into RDN-eligible master’s degree programs.* Students who ultimately plan to take the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) national credentialing examination for certification as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) should follow this track. Read more about master’s requirements for RDN credentialing on the CDR website.

*Graduate degree programs vary between universities and may require additional courses. A bachelor’s degree in nutrition sciences from Manchester fulfills all the academic requirements for application to Manchester’s Master of Science in Nutrition and Nutrigenomics Program; however, admission is not guaranteed.

Enjoy hands-on nutrition sciences learning

We offer hands-on experiences in all courses and provide training with our faculty and staff. Our kitchen classes are capped at 12 students, so you will receive individualized attention. Your work in these kitchen classes will be highlighted in small events and you will prepare for future meal prep work with athletes by serving our student-athletes.

Learn from industry experts

Our faculty mentors bring extensive real-world experience to the classroom, including expertise in diverse areas such as oncology, dietetics education, clinical and sports nutrition, food service management and diabetic education. Their insights ensure you not only develop a solid foundation in nutrition science but also gain valuable perspectives for your future career.

Meet your professors
We have a lot of opportunities for hands-on in the lab. Definitely feel like with bigger schools, we don't have that one on one experience. We have the best professors - the best students here."
Molley Moxley, 
Eminence, IN

What Can You Do With Your Bachelor’s Degree in Nutrition Sciences?

The preparation you receive in our nutrition sciences major will make you well-suited for careers such as:

  • Corporate wellness
  • Health/fitness management (might require fitness certification)
  • Health/medical/nutrition equipment sales
  • Food and nutrition communication
  • Humanitarian nutrition support (food banks, global food support: Red Cross, UNICEF, World Food Program)
  • Health department nutrition educator
  • Eligible for Wellcoaches® and wellness coach certification
  • Food industry (food communicator/writer/marketer)

With RDN certification, you’ll be prepared to work as a:

  • Clinical dietitian
  • Nutrition manager (school food system management, hospital food management, public health nutritionist, corporate sites)
  • Food policy professional at the USDA
  • Private dietetics practitioner/nutrition entrepreneur
  • Recipe developer
  • Global nutrition policy advocate

Students who include the RDN concentration will also be prepared to pursue advanced academic studies in other diverse disciplines, such as:

  • Food chemistry
  • Nutritional biochemist
  • Nutrigenomics
  • Nutraceutical sales
  • Science liaison officer
  • Academia and health education
A major or minor in nutrition sciences also prepares students pursuing other health careers to focus on preventative health measures and whole patient care (meets many requirements for pre-med, pre-PT, nursing).

How much do nutritionists and dietitians make?

The average salary for dietitians and nutritionists was $66,450 in 2022, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, with 78,600 jobs. Jobs for dietitians and nutritionists are expected to grow by 7 percent—higher than average for all professions through 2032.

Two MU students work together in the Nutrition Lab
Job Market Growth

Explore Classes for Nutrition Science Majors

Your curriculum will vary depending on your track. Students in our traditional nutrition sciences route will take courses such as Food Science, which includes a kitchen lab, and Sports Nutrition.

If you choose our RDN route, you will take a more science-heavy curriculum to prepare you for graduate school and eventual certification.

Get Started on Your Nutrition Sciences Major

Take the next step toward earning your bachelor’s degree. We have the resources to help you get started.