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| Jun 06, 2019
Marissa Deetz, Sophomore Accounting Major from Kendallville, Indiana
“Why did you choose Manchester?”
“The first time I checked out campus, I actually had no intentions of coming here. It was the middle of winter—I think I came during Jan Term—so no one was here, and I was like ‘Eh, I don’t know how I feel about it.’ Then I came back for the LEAD Luncheon and I just got to talk to more people, I got shown around campus again, and I decided that I actually really loved it here and ended up deciding to come here. Now I honestly can’t imagine being anywhere else!”
“Why did you decide to major in accounting?”
“Again, that was one of those ‘never ever’ circumstances in my life. My dad thought I’d like it and I said ‘No way,’ so I came into Manchester as a Marketing and Sales double major. I took ‘Principles of Accounting’ because it was a major requirement, and I absolutely loved it. I took it during Jan Term so I was doing three hours of class a day, and I took 5-6 hours a night on homework, by the time I played around on my phone and stuff. I really, really loved it. I started talking to some friends and professors and I switched over at the end of my first year here.”
“What has been your favorite class so far?”
“I took ‘Business Law’ with Ogden this Jan Term, and I really loved that … I thought it was cool to run through all the different scenarios we ran through and I have just always found law to be interesting. I think I decided I might take ‘Business Law II’ just because I liked it so much.”
“Have there been any classes outside the College of Business that you’ve enjoyed?"
“I took ‘Ceramics’ because I dropped ‘Intermediate French’ and I didn’t have 12 credit hours. They had a half-semester class, and I was like ‘There we go, that’s what I’m going to take.’ I thought I’d like it, but I just forgot how much I liked doing art stuff, so that was a lot of fun. I had Professor Oke, and I spent the last half of last semester just doing ceramics projects.”
“Out of everything you’re involved in, what has been your favorite event or meeting?”
“MAC would probably be my favorite overall. Out of MAC events, I really love May Day. It’s great to see the campus come together for a weekend of fun. It is a lot of work but everyone in MAC does a great job at keeping the work entertaining. Honestly, MAC is more of a family than it is a club, so it’s really cool hanging out with everyone.”
“What has been your favorite memory from your time at MU so far?”
“I was an Orientation Leader this year, so we have that week we’re here without anybody else on campus, other than athletes. So we all had our training during the day and we hung out at night. We spent a lot of time on the sand volleyball court, which was a lot of fun. I had more mosquito bites on my legs than I could ever count because I was anti-bug spray that week. Overall, it was just a lot of fun.”
“What are your hobbies and interests?”
“I really love playing volleyball. I played for 8 or 9 years before I came to Manchester and I didn’t play on the team here, so I like that I can play with friends and that we do have intramurals here. I also like doing art projects, I’ve really gotten back into that after I took ‘Ceramics.’ Other than that I do like reading, but I don’t really have much free time outside of clubs and school.”
“What is something most people don’t know about you?”
“I guess I’m a really spontaneous person. My senior year I took figure skating lessons just on a whim. I’ve gone on road trips and I’ll see a place off the road that seems cool so I’ll just stop and check that out instead of staying on schedule. I almost took square dancing lessons on a whim one time. I just like being random and keeping life interesting.”
“Do you have any advice for other students?”
“I would just recommend getting involved. Manchester is one of those places that’s really what you make it. If you’re not involved, we are a small college so you’re going to be bored. But if you’re involved this is one the best colleges you could ever be at.”