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| Jun 06, 2019
Kathrine Dwyer, Administrative Assistant to the Vice President for Academic Affairs
“What brought you to Manchester?”
“I didn’t really know much about Manchester even though I was from Warsaw, but I was looking at jobs close to home (Silver Lake) and found several openings. I actually interviewed for two different positions on the same day, one over the phone and one in person. And I got this position!”
“What is your favorite thing about Manchester?”
“I would say how helpful people are. When I first started I was really overwhelmed, with so much to learn about the position. But no matter who I talked to they seemed eager to help and to answer my questions.”
“What is your favorite thing about working in the Administration Building?”
“I worked on a project collecting information about the building to share with the Indiana Landmark Association. I researched the archives and took a spooky tour of the second and third floors with Tim [McElwee]. Thinking about the history of the building is pretty amazing, in fact this office was once a science classroom.”
“What are your hobbies and interests?”
“I grew up around Tippe and Wawasee and currently live on Silver Lake so boating has always been a favorite hobby. I also enjoy spending time with my dog and reading, especially books by Stephen King.”