Teacher education at Manchester University is an integral part of the academic program. Although the program is coordinated through the Education Department, Manchester faculty as a whole help to shape the program through their design of the core curriculum requirements that all preservice teachers must complete to become effective teachers in today's schools. Manchester's conceptual framework consists of performances that combine theory with practice, moving from simple to complex, and providing classroom experiences moving from relatively low involvement to high involvement. As members of the Henney Department of Education, we embrace our roles in graduating people of ability and conviction who draw upon their education and faith to lead principled, productive, and compassionate lives; we understand the impact the discipline of education can have in improving the human condition. With the Manchester University mission statement at the heart of our programs, we anticipate all members of our community will work collaboratively towards the common goal of nurturing a society that values the whole person, including their social, emotional, and cognitive well-being.
We believe everyone deserves access to high quality childcare, education, and programs that respect cultural differences, individuality, and humanity. With these beliefs, we have centered our programs on the guiding principles of Vision – Voice – Vocation.
VISION The Henney Department of Education values educational professionals as intellectuals committed to putting the social and emotional needs of students at the heart of the educational process. In our capacity as educational leaders – regardless of our vocations – we envision learning opportunities which foster community, embrace restorative justice and trauma-informed practices, support collaboration, focus on social justice, develop intrinsic motivation, inspire deep understanding, create active learning experiences, and value the contributions of children and young adults. Ultimately, graduates of the Henney Department of Education will create visions for themselves as active participants in their communities.
VOICE As professionals, graduates of the Henney Department of Education recognize and understand the importance of one’s voice, especially the power of a collective voice, when one voice is joined by others. Through the department’s carefully designed and scaffolded clinical experiences, extended field trips, professional learning communities, introduction to trauma-informed and culturally responsive pedagogy, and professional development, graduates of the program will develop their voices in the manner that best fits who they are. We understand it takes a wide variety of informed people to make systemic changes, and through careful reflection, graduates will begin to consider their role in how Manchester graduates have a positive impact on the world.
VOCATION Frederick Buechner wrote, “Vocation is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” Throughout our education programs, undergraduates will explore their gifts and talents as well as reflect on that which makes their hearts sing. As a Manchester graduate, they will have a better understanding of what they may be called to do, recognizing a vocation may change as life unfolds – circumstances arise – and new people enter the picture. Graduates of the Henney Department of Education, though, may continue to seek purpose and seek ways to impact those around them in positive ways.