Heads up about students in quarantine


From: McFadden, David F. <DFMcFadden@manchester.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, November 3, 2020 5:04 PM
To: All Colleagues <AllColleagues@manchester.edu>
Subject: Heads up about students in quarantine

Dear Colleagues,

I’m writing with a heads up: Quite a few undergraduate students are being sent home this week to finish the semester remotely. There was a large Halloween party off campus that didn’t comply with masking or social distancing guidelines and one of the participants was COVID-19 positive. As a result, everyone who attended needs to quarantine and those who can quarantine at home are being sent home.

Normally, we would give students the option of quarantining on campus or at home. Given where we are in the semester and the length of their quarantine period, the students who attended the party would be released from quarantine three days before heading home for Thanksgiving. Sending home now those who can go home allows us to reduce the risk of a significant outbreak on campus.

Our decision was based in part on seeing the consequences of large outbreaks on other campuses. Hanover College, for example, recently saw a spike of over 50 positive cases on campus and sent all of their students home early.

I recognize that this will add to an already heavy student accommodation load for some of you. I am both sorry for the added work and grateful for your commitment to our students.

Thank you for all you are doing for our community during these most difficult days.


Dave McFadden
Manchester University