Weekly Update - September 3
From: President <President@manchester.edu>
Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2020 9:06 AM
To: All Colleagues <AllColleagues@manchester.edu>
Subject: Weekly update - Sept. 3
Dear Colleagues,
Our students are back, and we are all busy and settling in to our new routines, so I’ll keep this week’s update short.
The start of the fall semester is a good time for each of us to make sure that we’re practicing good health habits that will help mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
Remember the big three:
- Wear a mask
- Wash your hands frequently
- Stay at least 6 feet apart
There is abundant scientific evidence that these three practices help keep ourselves, and the people we care about, safer.
In addition, please remember to monitor your symptoms each day before coming to campus and keep track of the people with whom you come into close contact. To help with those daily tasks, I am resending two attachments you received earlier this summer from Brandee Estes, director of human resources: the Daily Work Log and the COVID-19 Checklist. If you prefer, you may use MU’s health screening app, which students are expected to use. Go to https://mobile.manchester.edu and click on the COVID-19 Icon, then the checklist icon and follow the directions.
If you are having symptoms, do not come to campus and, instead, follow the instructions on the checklist. The Daily Work Log is important because it will help protect other people in case you are contacted for contact tracing.
As always, if you have questions or concerns, please email health@manchester.edu.
I’ve really been pleased with the degree of student compliance on our campuses as students participated in orientation activities. It was great to see three students throwing a Frisbee on the mall in North Manchester, two with masks on and all at least thirty feet apart!
Thank you for everything you have done and continue to do to create a positive in-person learning experience for our students.
Dave McFadden
Manchester University