2020-2021 COVID-19 News and Resources

On-Campus COVID-19 testing

Manchester University has not required the vaccine for the 2021-22 academic year, but strongly encourages all members of the university community to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Up to date information about the vaccine and how to register for a vaccination appointment can be found on the Indiana State Department of Health website.

On-campus COVID-19 testing is only being required for in-season, unvaccinated student athletes.  This is fewer than 100 students each week.  Since this is such a small population within our community, we have decided to not publish weekly results as they are not a meaningful representation of our larger community.

Contact tracing is still being conducted when a positive test is reported and the university has designated quarantine and isolation rooms.  

External Resources & Links:

Manchester University does not release specific information about individuals who have tested positive.

For media inquiries: Anne Gregory, aggregory@manchester.edu.

University Communications


Frequently Asked Questions

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