Remote Learning Tips and Tricks:

It is easy not take remote learning seriously. With regular classroom learning, you have a specific place you need to be at a specific time. But, learning online requires you to study, go to virtual classes, and complete homework on your own time. This requires discipline about how to use your time throughout the day to ensure that you don't fall behind.


Stay organized.

  • Make a weekly calendar with classes and dedicated time to studying.
  • Set reminders for upcoming deadlines! You can do this on your phone, on Sticky Notes - whatever helps you to remember!
  • Build in small breaks. Research suggests that 50 minutes on/10 minutes off can make studying more effective!
  • If you find you are struggling to manage your time, Academic Support can help!
  • For more tips on organizing, check out:

Stay engaged.

  • Communicate, communicate, communicate!
  • Check your email two to three times each day.
  • Learn your virtual class times and log in to the platform daily.
  • Participate in class - set a goal to ask a question or contribute to the conversation each lecture.

Manage your environment.

  • Schedule your day to dedicate to studying or participating in online class. Check with your instructor if there are live lectures you should be calling into.
  • Put your phone on airplane mode when you are in class or doing homework to minimize distractions.
  • Find a space that is comfortable but still allows you to focus. You don't want to be so comfortable that you fall asleep!
  • For more tips on setting up a successful space, check out:

Ask for help.

  • Call, email, or set up a virtual meeting with your professor to talk about challenges you are having or material you don't understand. You can also reach out to your success advisor or academic advisor.
  • If you need accommodations or study resources, reach out to Academic Support.
  • If you are having problems logging in or accessing something, email ITS Help Desk.

Take care of yourself.

  • FaceTime or call a family member, friends, and classmates for fun and relaxation!
  • Maintain a good sleep schedule, eat well, and exercise.
  • Wash your hands regularly.
  • See this as a learning moment! This is an opportunity to learn adaptability/flexibility and technological savvy - two desirable soft-skills that employers look for!
  • Remember you are not alone - your Manchester community is still here!
  • For suggestions on how to make breaks energizing, check out:










