
Pathways Inquiry Form

We are experiencing technical difficulties with this form. Please direct all inquiries to Ali Goetcheus, director of center for service opportunities at



MU email address

MC box #
MU phone #

Other phone #
Current classification  

Academic major(s)

Academic advisor
Expected graduation date

Do you have any activity planned for the summer of 2011, which could prevent you from completing the 10 weeks of service (e.g., wedding, vacation, summer class)?

Session desired

Do you plan to return to MU the semester following the Summer Service Session?

Do you have a working knowledge of a language other than English?

If yes, please indicate which language(s) you speak.

Have you ever studied abroad or gone on a missions trip?

If yes, please list destination, organization/church/school (if applicable) and purpose of the trip

Do you enjoy working with the following populations?

If Other, please indicate

Which of the following populations would you prefer not to work with?


If Other, please indicate

Do you have any previous service experience?

If yes, please describe type, length of time, and list organization (if applicable).

Other areas of interest:
What are your career goals?


Manchester University • 604 E. College Ave., North Manchester, Ind., 46962 • 260-982-5000